
Running makes me sick?

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so when i run, i get really sick.

i get like diarreah really bad.

is it because im dehydrated or what?





  1. * Avoid eating for at least two hours before running.

        * Drink plenty of fluids before and after exercise. Dehydration can lead to diarrhea. However, avoid warm liquids, which can speed food through the digestive tract.

        * Avoid high-fat foods before running, which can contribute to diarrhea.

        * Reduce fiber and gas-producing foods for at least one day before running. These include beans, bran, fruits and salad. If you run every day, you'll have to find a level of fiber that you can tolerate. Otherwise, you can eat high-fiber and gas-producing foods after you run.

        * Limit or avoid caffeine, which stimulates the bowel, for three to six hours before running.

        * Limit or avoid sweeteners called sugar alcohols, which stimulate the bowel, for at least one day before running. Sugar alcohols are most often found in sugar-free candies, gum and ice cream.

        * If you're lactose intolerant, switch to lactose-reduced or lactose-free milk and milk products.

  2. Maybe you're not eating enough calories, you're running on empty, you're running in extreme heat, you're eating foods that don't agree with you before your my suggestion is, don't run, if you don't want the runs.

  3. you might want to go to a doctor or something. And it is a good chance that it is because you just started to run. If you keep it up make sure you are okay. You might be pushing yourself to hard. Take your tame and your symptoms will probably go away!

  4. well then i reccomend that you do not run

  5. Its probably dehydration..

    Try drinking lots of water, before, after and during your run.

    Take breaks to walk, or jog lightly..

    And when you stop running.. cool down by walking around..

    NEVER sit or just stop immediatly.

  6. If its constant, its psychological. Get your brain checked.

  7. it could be. make sure you drink plenty of water before, after, and during runs, esp if its hot. also stay away from milk products right before runs. take it easy you may not be used to the heat. start slow and build your way up. good luck!

  8. your just lazy..

  9. when do you eat in relation to the run?

    You shouldnt eat at least 3 hours before a run, and always go to the bathroom before a run....ALWAYS

  10. Depends

  11. Run first thing in the morning, and run slowly before eating breakfast.

  12. its called runners diarrhea

    this website tells all about it.

    hope it helps! :)

  13. thats weakness leaving the body

  14. probably. try running for a shorter time if you MuST run
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