
Running one day before race..????

by  |  earlier

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tomorrow i have a race... but i want to go running now... i do it o not..???




  1. The day before a race is when you need to let your body recover. I always felt like I needed to run the day before a race,but the truth is that you need to rest. You don't have to take the entire day off, just do a light jog that doesn't push your body too hard. If you rest the day before the race it will help you do your best on race day. Try to get a good nights sleep and stretch a lot. Good luck! I hope you do great in your race!

  2. no

  3. it's ok to run before a race, just don't over do it, as you go on your easy run think about what strategy your will use if you are running a long race, and if you are running a short race like the 100, 200 or even the 400 meter then my best advice is run like h**l,,,,,,, good luck

  4. take the run easy   to get your heart rate up. i would say jog for 45 minutes then call it a day before the race. good luck on the race

  5. yes, run today.  I have track meets all the time and i run a few hard 200s and a mile or two hard and it doesnt hurt my times at all

  6. It all depends on what events you are running tomorrow in your race. If you are just doing sprints, stretch, run or do strides @70-90% pace, or runf for about 20 mins.

    If distance(800-3200): Get a good strech in, go for a good 30 mins easy run, and strides. Hope you run well

  7. skipping a workout the day before a meet to rest  is too late, If you were going to go easy, you skip the day before, the day before the race...

    But it doesnt matter, I suspect you arent training hard enough to affect your race anyway

  8. You could, but, for your own sake, take it as easily as possible. I'd say run no more than maybe three miles at a truly slow pace if you decide to go.

  9. no

    bcuz u dont want to be sore and tired for the race.

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