
Running problem!!?

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Okay so i went for a run today to get into shape. However while i was running i got the WORST cramp. I could barely stand up so i had to start walking. This has never happened before though. Is it just because i am not excerisising enough? How do i get rid of the cramps while running? How do i prevent them?




  1. im a runner and that still happens to me. it usually happens when i havent drinken water or havent eaten for a long time before i run. your body will get deydrated so you need fluids, and you body needs food so you will be fulled. even if its somthing light (i suggest a banana) get somthing before you run and drink water.

  2. I have heard where people get those kinds of cramps when their body is low on potassium. Eat more bananas, that should do the trick.

  3. i run too and i do get cramps, the way that i avoid that is that run one lap and power walk one lap. Balance the walks and the runs.

  4. You get cramps if you don't stretch yourself properly before you run, if you don't drink water while your running, and if you run for too long without walking a little to ease up your muscles. I hate cramps too and I used to always get them until I looked up how to stop cramps online and a site came up and said all this. I hope you don't get them.

  5. Make sure you have a little something to eat first (a banana, a piece of toast, 1/2 a power bar), if you do get a side c**p it helps to stretch your body upwards while running, making yourself taller.  Make sure you do a warm up jog and stretch before and after you run.  Make sure you aren't dehydrated either that can give you a crab too.  Rule of thumb to hydrate every 20 minutes if your running long distance (over 6 miles).  Otherwise just drink a little Gatorade or water before a run and after a run.

    Run walking in the beginning is a good idea.  For example for a week you may want to run for 10 minutes then walk for 1 minute, then after a week or so you can go back to just straight running.

  6. Cramp would not be caused by not excerising enough. There are various reasons why you could have got cramp. You could have had a small muscle injury that you couldn't feel until you put the muscle under pressure. Dehydration can also cause cramp so try to drink water before you start running. Maybe you just tried too much too fast, warm up before you start, to get your muscles warm. I don't think it's possible to get rid of cramp while you're running, you just need to rest until it's gone. Hope this helps.

  7. Drink water. The primary cause of most cramps while running is dehydration. By drinking 10 to 12 ounces of water 30 minutes before your run and staying hydrated throughout by drinking water on the road, you can help prevent these painful cramps.

    Give your body a good stretch before you begin running. A good warm-up routine helps to loosen tight muscles which may contract and cause cramps while you are running.

    Watch your breathing while you run. Taking a few deep breaths now and then will ensure that all parts of your body are receiving the amount of oxygen they need to work properly, including the muscles through your side and chest which may trigger side stitches.

    Eat right and eat light before you hit the road. Avoid overly fatty foods and proteins and focus on fast-burning energy boosters such as carbohydrate to help aid in digestion while you run.

  8. i am a runner too and first of all you need to streatch before you run and drink lots of water. Then to get rid of them what you will need to do is either jam your finger in the side its on or put more pressure on that side and while that foot is on the ground grunt.  it works really well trust me.  I learned it from my Cross country coach.  or you can put your hand on top of your head... try these

    i hope that they help
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