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im 5'6'' and 125 pounds. not unhappy with my weight

but want to get in shape and get my stomach flatter.

what kind of results will i see from running/jogging

about 2 miles like 5 days a week?

will i get more toned legs???

and anything else? thanks in advance :)




  1. if you go by time then it is easier to track while running.  So I would suggest to run 30 min a day for 5 days a week at an easy pace (comfortable).  It will tone your legs but I would also suggest to lift some weights two to three days a week (squats, leg press, free weights for the upper body).  As for the stomach, if you completely cut gluten out of your diet (anything made from grain like wheat, barley, also bread) you will quickly notice that the fat on your belly will start disappearing.  Many people (60%) who have all or some Caucasian heritage are gluten intolerant to a certain degree which causes unneccesary bloating.  Gluten in hard to digest and is like sugar; it turns to fat quickly.  The gluten intolernace also can apply to Hispanics and Blacks who are part Caucasian.  If you follow this advice, you should be on your way to better fitness!

  2. how is your stomach not really flat at 5'6'' 125?

    I'm 5"9" 150 and mine is pretty flat.

    but anyhow, if you just exircise and eat the right foods you'll be there.

  3. You're legs will definitely get toned by running.  Try biking, too, because biking really works your front leg muscles.  If you want to get your stomach in shape, do sit-ups.  Try different kinds of sit-ups, like V-ups and twists.  If you feel a burn, you know that you are doing it right.  Just make sure you strengthen your back whenever you strengthen your stomach.  Otherwise, you will be in for some pain!  Good luck!

  4. Start off at 2miles and then do further and further otherwise you'll stop seeing results.

    But yes your legs will be more toned. My calves have definately become more toned. Your legs all over will start to become harder instead of flabby :) Every few minutes when you're running, clench your stomach muscles and twist it more. I mean like when you run you'll find your upper body twists from side to side. Just twist slightly more. You'll start to feel it working and you'll get a flatter stomach in no time.

    To see quicker reusults eat lots of fruit + veg and drink loads of water.


  5. Hello. I am a semi-professional Runner (I didnt make the olympics unfortunatly) and I am trying to help Americans become more fit.

    I am currently working on a website on which you can submit your fitness information and I give you a personal Training program. The website is not up and running yet, so I currently am allowing people to email me their information and giving programs out that way. THIS IS FREE.

    This is not a scam. I am not asking for any personal information. You dont even have to give me your real name. If you choose to get a personal training program, please email me:





    Name (or alias)

    Best Mile Time

    Best 5k Time

    # of Miles you are willing to run per week

    Level of intebsity you are willing to do (easy, medium, hard, etc.)

    Amount of time you can set aside for running each day

    Current fitness self rating (1-10)

    Current Mileage per week

    Distance of current long run

    Current # of days ran per week

    Current running shoe

    Why do you want to become fit?

    My program is based on the Lydiard System. If you are skeptical feel free to look him up.

  6. I think your legs and *** would look awsome, but tummy...??? Have you tried yoga? And now there are those tummy foods.....Dark chocolate, avocados, olives, olive oils, nuts, and I'm not sure what else, but eating these foods everyday, and there is a strict amount, will help you lost your tummy, if you even have one.....Good luck....

  7. Its a good start. As for as your diet is concerned, do not cut gluten out of your diet like that other guy said unless u are allergic to it. whole wheat  products are really good for you. try to "Eat Clean". a term used by fitness competitors. it basically is all about reforming your diet by taking out all the c**p. Do this (in addition to your running) and you will see results fast! Within a month you will feel great and start noticing your body looking better.
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