
Running questionnnnn?

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If you run fast what does it do ?

If you just jog what does it do ?

help thanks




  1. if you run fast, it gets you where you are going quicker.

    If you jog, it gets you where you are going slower than if you ran.

  2. Running is an aerobic exercise.  It work primarily on cardiovascular system.

    When you run, you increase your heart rate and blood pressure, thereby forcing your body to get used to higher blood pressure and higher pulse.  As a result, when you are at rest, your body tend to have lower blood pressure and lower heart rate.  Top endurance athletes can have low blood pressure of 100/60 and heart rate of 40.

    When you just jog, you are doing several things.  First, you are maintaining a higher than normal heart rate, so you will help your body get used to lower heart rate, and your resting pulse will be lower - which is healthier.  Secondly, once you jog for 10-15 minutes, your body switch to fat metabolism, so you will be burning fat rather than sugar.  That is the reason why long distance runners are all thin and have low body fat.  Thirdly, jogging is about maintaining pace, and a good pace will allow less shock to the body, so jogging is gentler on the joints and muscles.

    Sprinting, on the other hand, is more for muscle.  While both sprinting and jogging benefit both the heart and the muscle, you get more cardiovascular benefit from slow jogging rather than sprinting.  Sprinting help you build more muscle.  There are 2 types of muscles - white and red.  White muscle is for distance slow running, while red muscle is for fast sprinting.  Jogging only build some white muscle, but sprinting help build more of both red and white muscle.  So, in marathon training, part of the training involves in sprinting - to build up the muscles both for speed and for endurance.

    The same analogy comes from weight lifting.  Those who do heavy lifting for brief period will be very bulky, and they can only lift for a brief period; while rest of us who do repetitive light lifting aren't buiky but can sustain low level of lifting for a long time.

  3. Hope this helps.

    neat article
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