
Running questions...?

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I'm a 15 year old girl and a beginner in cross country. Are strong abs important for running? How should I ignore/deal with my legs being tired shortly after I begin running? Should I take asprin to dull the pain? Should I rub icy hot on my legs before running so they don't start hurting? I stretch before and after running.




  1. You are over thinking it, just get out there and run. When you're tired take a day off, when it hurts, ease up on the pace. You got a long way to go to get in shape, but once you're there it will all fall into place

  2. SHORT AND SIMPLE- yeah abs are super important, ur legs being tired is normal, im 15 too and that happens to me, and NO to asperin or icy hott.  Akid had to go to the hospital because the icey hott cream got into his bloodsream

  3. I would say just keep on stretching before and after running. eventually your body will get used to it until you do you are going to have some pain.

  4. That's right, you're building strength and endurance ! (:

    Strong abs or a tight stomach are important for ANY sport.

    It helps you in a lot of ways though forreal . Everyone's legs get tired after a period of time, buh you have to mentally tell yourself that you can do it, pass the finish line. Icy Hot doesn't realli help, unless you have something covering it so the ice and heat wont go away. I suggest you rub it on AFTER you run though.

    Stretching is good for you and remember, if you get tired, jst don't start too fast of a pace in the beginning, because then you'll jst get tired much faster, keep a decent pace and if you get tired jst jog a little slower buh NEVER stop. EVEN WHEN YOU WANT TO. it slows everything down and pretti much feels like you closed your entire system. you'll feel dizzy and all this stuff so yah . never stop until you finish.



  5. Yeah abs are important because the help with having more power which helps your running form. And form is key in running. If my legs get tired while I'm running I usually just try think of a song in my head or just start counting how many steps I'm taking.  If your having pain I would take a pain reliever that lasts for a long time, like aleve. I would wait until after you get done running to put icy hot on and instead I would try stretching really well first or taking some ib profen about 45 minutes before you run. Yes I would stretch before and after you run. Or instead of stretching before running you could do a good warm up(about a half mile-mile) before you go on your actual run. If you do that just run slowly or jog. Have fun in xc. Hope you have a great season.

  6. Strong abs are very important- you want to have a strong core and you should try to find a core routine to do 2-3x a week to build up muscle. If your legs are just normal-sore then don't take aspirin every day. Save it for when they really hurt and you are in a lot of pain. Ice what hurts for 10-15 min after running and try taking an ice bath 1 or 2x a week (just fill the bath tub w/ as much ice and cold water as you can. Wear socks and running shorts and a hoddie on top to keep from freezing. Stay in for as long as you can stand it. It helps after long hard runs) Try stretching not b4 you run when your legs are cold, but 5 min into your run and then again when you are done. Never dull pain w/ icy hot or a pain killer and then run. Those things are for pain after you run. It will just make your injury worse if you run though it on pain killers b/c your body won't feel the pain adn know when to stop. I usually just ice and wait out the soreness. Its not bad unless you have a concentrated repetitive ongoing  pain- soreness means you worked hard.

    have fun running! ♥

  7. To answer your first question, strong abs are important for running. If you have strong stomach muscles it will help prevent cramps. With the legs being tired after you begin running, it happens to everyone. I have been running for four years now and it still happens to me occasionally. Make sure when you stretch that you target the areas that tire quicker. As you run your leg muscles will get stronger and this will happen less often. As for taking aspirin, if you want to take it for your legs getting tired then no. If you are actually hurting somewhere, take a motrin b/c the area may be swollen and they reduce swelling. Also if you think you may have an injury talk to your coach. You may think they don't want to hear it, but they may have to adjust your workouts if you are hurting somewhere. Also it's better than if your out the whole season for something that could have been prevented. You can put Icy Hot on your legs b/c it will help with the soreness of your legs. It's not necessary but if it makes your legs feel better then go for it. A reason your legs may be getting tired is because you need a better shoe. Make sure you go to a good place that knows what they are talking about. I hope this helps! Good luck with cross country and keep practicing!

  8. i dont know about u but my secret to running far is to just keep on running dont stop tille u cross the finish line whenever i stop running is when i fell the pain. dont stop till u cross the finish line. U CAN DO IT!!!! =D

  9. Always warm up or stretch before ur running, also the more u train the better u will get, don't use asprin cos its bad for ur health.

    If ur legs are feeling tired or painful the next couple of days, that means ur training ur legs up, its normal.Ur abs will strengthen up as u train.

    Also start slowly and dont strain urself, get to know ur limitations and u will know where ur strong and weak points are.

  10. after practice or a game put a hot water towel or water bottle on your legs and it will ease the pain and if it hurts during practice use Tylenol or talk to a doctor about it

  11. run faster ..!!!!haha

  12. You must build your stamina before venturing into such an attempt. Otherwise you may even faint.

  13. all of those are good ideas.. abs are important for running. not sure how much, but they definetly help.. you're supposed to be tired after running.. breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth :)
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