
Running the mile tomorrow in school?

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Well tomorow in gym class we have to run the mile. Any advice to get a good time and not get sick or out of breath from it?

Any Advice? Thanks. (Will choose best answer)





    im very fast at sprinting but i cant hold it out for 2 laps

    2 weeks ago, we did the mile n i walked the whole 3laps n the teacher pissed off at me n my timing for third lap wus 13:24, then the last lap i sprint the whole football field 1 lap in 25 seconds :)))

    just jogging wuld b fine tho...

  2. Well, drink plenty of water and stay away of any greasy food, depending on what time you want to go for, divide it by four and try to run just under that.  Just dont stress it because that is something that can kill a runner.  Push yourself and im sure that you will do fine.

  3. pace your self

    and never stop

    just pace yourself and breath correctly

    oh another thing

    stretch before you run

    i got tested 1.5 miles the other day that's what i did and i did well =)

  4. Don't start off too strong. Run easy, but not too easy. About 3/4ths of the mile, start to speed up.

  5. well one you have to make sure u keep an even pace tonight drink some water a lot more than u usually do n eat carbs like pasta or bread stuff like that. then tommorow walk when u need to but make sure u push urself  n not stop if u really dont need to u will feel like u have to but at time u really dont just remember push urself n u should do fine

  6. run at a pace you can stay with for a while. It is better to jog all then to sprint part of it and then have to walk because you are tired. If you need to, put your hands above your head and breathe. That is only if you are out of breath.

  7. breath in thru nose and out thru mouth. keep a good pace until the last half lap where you start RUNNING you need to keep walking afterward and drink water but not in excess. hope this helps

  8. definitely pace yourself.  also, start drinking water now.  drinking water up to 24 hours before athletic activity boosts endurance and performance.  finally, remember to get a good night's and eat a good night's sleep.

  9. drink lots of water and JOG!! DON'T RUN OR YOU'LL RUN OUT OF BREATH IN THE FIRST LAP!! U CAN START RUNNING WHEN U GET TO THE END. THAT'S WAT I ALWAYS DO. anyways, start at a good pace and wen u get tired, start walking. remember, u don't have 2 be the very first 1 to finish. good luck !! X3 (also, eat salt together with water. pour the salt in the palm of your hand, l**k your palm, then drink water as soon as the salt touches your tongue. it'll get you really hydrated. don't worry if ppl start making fun of you cause then, they'll be the one getting dehydrated.) good luck!! don't strain yourself though. X3

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