
Running up hills...?

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Hi I have a question if i run up hills will it help me be faster on flat ground? also is running down hills good for you and when you run do you sprint at the end does that help you at all?




  1. Running up and down hills can be a part of your total training.

    Running up hill shortens your stride, but builds strength. Running down hill lengthens  your stride.

    That means you should do  a down hill immediately after doing an up hill.

    You should also run on the flat during this training.

    When you sprint  you sprint the entire distance, and depending on the distance determines at what percentage of top speed you run for that distance.

    In other words if you are sprinting a 400 you are running very fast, but not at the same speed as you sprint a 100 or 200.

  2. running up hills will help endurance and it will help your shins not to get shin splints and yes it will make u faster but not signifigant amount running down hill its just like running but with less effort sprinting at the end of a normal run is good if you race becuase then it will help you to remeber that at the end of the race to sprint and gain those few precious seconds back

  3. Running up hill improves your strength and form, running down hill improves your speed and turn over rate. But, if you do down hill sprint, do it on soft surface to avoid injuries.

  4. Running up hill will maybe no help your speed, but it will help with endurance. And yes, sprinting at the end and changing your pace a lot helps, because it challenges your body and works different muscles.

  5. running up hills is good, but do short distances because it can mess up your knees.

    jog down the hills.

    then, go on the track and do some quick 100m.

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