
Russia Georgia conflict?

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why of all of a sudden there is a WAR? how did this conflict started and what are the events that led to this current conflict?




  1. US plans for the Caucasus and Central Asia

    The third and most important question behind the present war is the long-standing US policy that aims to encircle and isolate Russia. Even in the 90s, when the US was supposedly on good terms with the Yeltsin administration and Strobe Talbott's friendship policy was running high, the US strove to encircle Russia through a web of alliances in what is known as Russia's "near abroad". The establishment of the Partnership for Peace alliance, the waiting room for NATO, and the subsequent expansion of NATO to former Soviet republics and Eastern Eurpoean countries were only the most salient dimension. GUUAM was the name given to the loose web of alliances that the US entertained with Russia's southern and eastern neighbours, Georgia, the Ukraine, Uzbekistan (no longer part of the web), Azerbaijan and Moldova. The Afghanistan war, notwithstanding the rhetoric of the "war on terror", was devised to penetrate former Soviet Central Asia, where thanks to the war the US established, for the first time in modern history for a Western power, military bases. Putin's acquiesence to Bush's post-9/11 policies with the aim of covering up his own dirty war in Chechnya was as stupid as Stalin's reliance on the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact in order to protect the Soviet Union from n**i aggression.

    This political conflict between the US and Russia is thus the real stake of the war over miniscule South Ossetia. US ambitions regarding the oil and natural gas of the Caucasus and Central Asia in addition to that of the Middle East is the economic basis of this tug-of-war between the US and Russia. The US desires to deprive Russia of the benefits of these regional riches, a policy symbolised by the Baku-Tblissi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline. Behind this is the US strategic aim of keeping Russia and China down as contending superpowers in the 21st century. This self-serving policy of US imperialism has borne its first product, leading to a situation where a tiny conflict has led to a conflagration that threatens the region and the world.

  2. georgia attacked ossetia, the civilians there had russian passports and RUSSIA defended them.

    jews are controlling everything. illuminati is real, soon everyone will have an RFID chip.

  3. You have to go back to the break up of the Soviet Union -  it was shortly after Georgia became an independent nation, again, and gained entrance to the UN, that Russia began infiltrating and agitating in Abkhazia and South Ossetia.  During the Soviet days, they had forcibly removed Georgians to settle ethnic Russians in these areas, just as they did in Lithuania and Latvia, and elsewhere.

    When Georgia attempted, recently, to neutralize these non-Georgian separatists, and re-assert control over South Ossetia, while simultaneously attempting to join NATO, Russia decided to invade Georgia, to intimidate her, seize valuable pipelines, to prevent Europe from interfering, and to intimidate the other former Soviet states which are now Western leaning democracies.

  4. South Ossetia seperated from Georgia because of ethnic and politcal differences.

    Georgia tried many a times to attack South Ossetia and actually commited a genocide of South Ossetians in 1991.

    The United Nations appointed Russia as peacekeepers in South Ossetia. This means that the Russians job was to protect the civilians of South Ossetia, and S.O's territory.

    On August 8th, 2008 at around 2300 Hours Georgian time, the Georgian military rushed into S.O with full military power. Bombing civian areas, launcing artillery, and using ground forces to hold areas. The Russian peacekeepers tried to fend them off but it didn't really work. By the end of the night, 1700 South Ossetians, and 10 Russian PK's were dead. Thousands of South Ossetians were left homeless from Georgian bombs.

    This is what caused the Russians to send more troops through S.O to push the Georgians back.

    The Russians went through S.O and pushed the Georgians back into Georgian territory. The Russians then decided to keep pushing the Georgians back so they could finish this once and for all.

    Georgia is backed by US and Israel, as Israel wants to hold the pipeline in Georgia for use by Israel and the US.


    This of course doesn't explain everything you need to know, but it's a piece of mind.

  6. Georgia has started the ethenic cleansing, russia responded to save its citizens. There is no way for the US to ventilate the atmosphere. Russia govt is still strong with its peoples support. Georgian president to be act wisefully, realising his duty is to protect his citizens.He is planning to bring the NATO into the conflict.He belives in overstreched US's false promises and leaving his own citizens in trouble.

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