
Russia attacking Georgia is a lie???

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It is! The war started in Georgia, because the Georgians said Georgia should belong to the Georgians, and the Osetians should go, but not all people know that the US has provoked the war to get it's hands on oil! The same is happening in Iraq, it just needs a cover. They are not fighting against terrorism, they are fighting for oil! Russia came in to stop the war in South Osetia. They are firing to stop the Georgians from attacking the Osetians. And there weren't any bombings in Baku, and anyway, Baku is not even in Georgia. It's in Tajikistan!




  1. Georgia – aggressor! Georgia at the beginning of the war. CNN, BBC - lie. Night georgia killed 2 000 peaceful sleeping residents. Saakashvili - a war criminal! Do not believe CNN and BBC. Tell the truth all people! Russia does not want war! The U.S. wants oil!

  2. Russia is as usual guilty, Georgia destroyed thousands ossetic, and here Russians came what to stop them, and at once all began to cry that Russia aggressor

  3. I don't care who started it. I care who ends it and HOW they will end it.

  4. Resistance is futile.

    Georgia will be (re)assimilated.

    h**l, there are pictures of Soviet flags on tanks going into the region.

    Just wait, they'll get to Ukraine eventually, just give them an excuse.  Georgia gave them one that'll be used as carte blanch.

    Edit: Here's their excuse, already in the works.  From Reuters:

    "Ukraine, a former Soviet republic whose pro-Western government now wants membership of NATO and the European Union, had encouraged Georgia to carry out "ethnic cleansing" in South Ossetia, the Russian foreign ministry said."

  5. Of coarse, it was only a matter of time until someone, somehow blamed the U.S. for this. It's the easy, and popular thing to do. No one else in the world has to take responsibility for their actions when you have the U.S. to blame, and you don't even need any proof for everyone to believe you.  

  6. You are a liar.

  7. Jurij-EU is throwing a bunch of c**p into the mix. The US did NOT start this war and don't really have much to do about it. It's not anything close to a genocide going on there. BOTH sides have killed peacekeepers in the area, not just the Georgians. Be careful what you believe from this person, it is nothing more then anti-American propaganda and is trying to sell them self as knowledgable when they live in the Ukraine, have no borders with Georgia, and were once a part of Russia. Be careful what you believe (if anything) from this person.

  8. The US did not provoke this conflict.  Why blame the US.  Is the reason EU envy?

  9. Baku isn't in Georgia and neither in Tajikistan. Its in Azerbaijan ;) And I know what "peace" was keeping Russia. I dont how u are informed about the war because Russian sites are blocked, but u should know that the battles are taking places in other parts of Georgia. Russia is bombing from air. is it the best they got? if America was so much interested in oil in ossetia i think they would already have sent troops to support us.

  10. Well the US demanded that Georgia go on a 'fast track' into NATO, despite NATO's misgivings, and ONCE AGAIN "experts on Russia" like Condi Rice were DEAD WRONG as to Russia's response to the situation.

    The Russians are not going to allow NATO on its borders or a NATO fleet in the Black Sea any more than the USA will let the Russians into Canada.

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