
Russia haven't you realised?

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Russia haven't you realised that all of Eastern Europe hates you and does not want to be under your rule!




  1. People of the world. You deceive! World mass media conduct propagation of a false information. Russia DID NOT ATTACK Georgia! 07.08.2008 at 22:00 Georgia has attacked South Ossetia. At 3:30 08.08.2008 tanks of the Georgian armies have entered into city Tskhinvali. Artillery bombardment all the day long proceeded, fights with use of tanks and heavy combat material, both against ossetic armies, and against peace inhabitants were conducted. 2000 civil people already were lost. The Russian peacemakers have arrived to South Ossetia in the evening 08.08.2008 for settlement of the conflict and prompting of the world in republic and protection of the Russian citizens living on territory of South Ossetia. Georgia has attacked South Ossetia on eve of Olympiad, it is top of cruelty and cynicism. Proofs and video-materials look on : , , , , , ,

  2. People saying Russia started it - you are wrong.

    People saying Georgia started it - you are wrong.

    The rebels on South Ossetia began firing at the Georgian's who responded to the threat. It was the rebels that started it.

  3. Marina S, will you SHUT UP! Your getting on everyone's nerves. It's like the 100th time you've put the same god d**n answer, and it's not even your answer, you copied of someone else. STOP IT!

  4. umm what??  

  5. That's the way the media is portraying this situation, on the BBC world service there was a native saying that Georgia was the one to blame, I try to keep an open mind, Russia have gone in a bit heavy handed I agree, but I don't think anything people in the West could say will change anything.

    Perhaps if China stepped in then might listen though...

    Not American, thank goodness!

  6. russia is tryin to rule the eastern europe?

    nah, not really, we just want to take over the world :) thts it guys so stop complaining already

    edit: holy cow.. vote_usa_first and pirate_princess i didnt really expect hearin such stuff from americans, if u are ones lol :)

  7. freddy, it is russia backing ossetias break away from usa backed georgia. we back georgias control of ossetia for the same reason we backed genocide against the serbs , for oil pipelines.

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