
Ryan air flights to bergamo?

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anyone been to bergamo in Italy on Ryanair £20 flight,and/or stayed in Bergamo. thinking of taking my partner as a birthday treat.




  1. Hi,

    Bergamo is only worth an afternoon, but it is the closest  regional / budget airport to Milan...

    So why not fly into Bergamo, take the Ryanair shuttle into Milan, and see Leonardo Da Vinci's stunning Last Supper in the Duomo.

    If Milan isn't interesting, then I recommend you fly to Verona, Florence, or Ravenna as they're all far more interesting.

    If you go to Florence, try to take a day trip to Siena ... you won't regret it, the Duomo there is much more interesting.

    In Florence make sure you take one of the Ranaissance Original Walking Tours, and AT ALL COSTS don't miss the chance to gaze in openmouthed, awestruck wonder at Michelangelo's breathtaking masterpiece 'David' in the Acedemia.

    Plus Verona is a beautiful place too.

    If you are on a budget, in Florence, stay with Sylvie and Massimo at the Ostello G'all Doro

    I put a link to find flights below for you too.

    Bon Weekend


  2. Ciao! I'm Italian and I live in Milan. You should come in Milan instead of Bergamo. It takes only 1 hour with the bus from bergamo airport and you're in Milan centre. I saw Bergamo but there is not so much to see excluding Bergamo alta (the old city). In Milan you could go shopping ;-) well, think about it

  3. When I lived in Italy in '93, I spent a month living in Bergamo. Bergamo Alta is definitely worth an afternoon. It's up on this hill above the main part of town, and you can get there by taking this funicular, which is worth the visit alone.

    The rest of Bergamo isn't up to much to be honest. Have you thought about Verona?

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