
SAT II chem?

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I got a 720 on the sat II chem - do you think i should retake if I want to major in engineering in college. and possibly apply for Ivy League schools?




  1. nahh,i think you're fine

  2. If I was you I would retake it since I think you can get 5 questions wrong for 800. Your score is definitely above average but if you have time I would take it again and be more competitive, especially for the ivies.

  3. any SAT II scores more than 700 is suitable for any engineering major in college. However, for ivy league schools, they want some other extracurricular such as leadership, volunteering, work experience, clubs, sports, awards, things that make you stand out other than academics.

    For Ivy Schools, you need more than 1 SAT2 score (usually 2-3) and since you're striving for engineering, they should be science/math related. also, you need to write the best darn admissions essays by having peers, teachers, parents read them over before submitting.

  4. If you're going to retake it, just make sure it's worth investing the time, money and anxiety to take it again.  I personally think a 720 is fine, especially in chemistry.  Spend the hour you would have spent on retaking the test volunteering, attending a lecture of interest to you, or just relaxing (judging by your list of activities, it's well deserved).  Just remember, in the big scheme of things, the scores you got or the schools you attended aren't of importance; it's that you found peace, happiness and contributed back to the world :)
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