
SAT Reasoning Test scores?

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I'm looking to go to Plymouth State University (PSU) in New Hampshire to become kindergarten teacher. I'm only a Junior in high school, but I decided to take the SAT Reasoning Test this year so I could see what I was in for before Senior year rolls around. well I just received my test scores and I'm not sure what to make of them! They should be sending me more information in the mail but I just can't wait!

Critical Reading: 530

Math: 450

Writing: 490

I know most colleges don't care much about the essay question, but I would like to know how I did on everything else. I tried searching the internet but of course everyone has a different answer for these things. Also, if anyone knows if these score can get me into PSU that would be awsome! Or if they can't, what scores would so I can study for next year!

thanks everyone! =]




  1. Your composite score is a 1470 and your latter two scores are below average. This summer you should probably take a few practice tests and review the material to help you score a better score on the SAT in October. Most people score a lot better the second time around.

    Still, your scores are probably good enough to get you into PSU.    Their students usually get between 900-1100 (math and verbal) and you received a 980 so your in the middle range. Their average GPA tanges from a 3.5 to a 3.5 too. So if you bump your scores up an 1100, maintain a GPA in that range, get a few great recommendations and are involved in a few clubs, I think you'll definitely get in.

  2. 1470 is slightly below average. most people get 1500+. I scored a 1400 but i plan to get atleast a 1600. it's possible to improve those scores though so don't worry. i would aim for 550s in each section on the october exam! good luck i know you can do it!

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