
SAT subject tests vs. AP exams?

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I know the difference between a SAT subject test and an AP exam, but my question is WHICH ONE college administrators would prefer? or should I take both?




  1. Both are important.  However, some schools actually require a certain number of SAT subject tests, so if you really don't want to have to take both, you probably should take the SAT subject tests.  Plus, the SAT's are cheaper than AP's.

  2. If you're applying to top schools, you need both.  Top schools look at how challenging your academic schedule is so without any AP courses, your schedule looks weak.  In addition to taking the AP courses, you would need to take the AP exam otherwise it looks like you got lazy and decided not to take the test.  Schools don't "prefer" one over the other because they're very different tests.  Top schools require 2 or 3 SAT II subject tests whereas they don't "require" any AP exams.  That doesn't mean they don't care about AP's though.  The top 20 U.S. schools wouldn't even consider your application if you didn't take any AP courses.  So yes, you need take both if you're aiming for a top school.

  3. Both.  Definitely both.  Because they serve different purposes, it's important to take both to cover all of your bases.

  4. Oh gosh. These people who answered are clueless about the college admissions process. Here's the quick and easy answer: AP exams are universally accepted by EVERY college admissions office and EVERY college will use them in some format, whether it's just seeing that you took advanced classes and got good scores on the exams or if it's an excited response that prompts them to quickly accept you. SAT Subject Tests are accepted by elite colleges (Northwestern, Princeton, Vanderbilt, Rice, Stanford, you name it) and the UCs (Berkeley, Riverside, LA, Santa Cruz, etc). EVERY OTHER COLLEGE will simply not consider your SAT Subject Test scores. So if you send any other college your SAT Subject scores, they'll just be thrown in the trash immediately upon arrival.

    Both are helpful in the college admissions process if you're planning on attending an elite college or maybe just in case you decide to apply to a few, but AP scores are the ones you should not hesitate to take. ALWAYS send in your AP scores; they'll do you wonders.

    So to answer your question: Take AP exams no matter what, and SAT Subject Tests only if one or more of the colleges you want to attend require/recommend them.

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