
SCARY COINCIDENCE? or something else....?

by  |  earlier

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I had a dream a few weeks ago. In my dream, I got a phone call. It said unknown caller. I answered and a woman's deep voice said, "Once he says this, you will hang up." And while she was saying that I tried to hang up, but the phone wouldn't hang up. Then a man's very deep voice said this very slowly: YOU WILL DIE. Then I hung up, very scared. Well, when I woke up, I was freaked. And...ever since that night that I had that dream, we get Unknown Calls at the house a lot. We've never had that before now. Once, my mom answered the phone and said, "Hello?" and they hung up. It still freaks me out today. What do you think about that. Scary coincidence...or something else...




  1. it could be something just be on the look out and be cautious

  2. That is totally creepy.  When my mom and dad leave me home alone.  Only other living things in the house are my 2 dogs I get those kind of strange phone calls.  The phone would ring 1 time, i would answer and beeeeeep.  Its like  they new when I answered it before i even say hello. It happens all the time to me so i unpluged the house phone.

  3. That sounds an awful lot like a movie, but I can't remember its name...

    I don't know what else to tell you other than:

    The only certain thing in life is that we ALL will die. Some sooner than other others, but eventually we will all go.

    Don't give death too much tought...

    Live your life to the fullest...

    And if you ever recieve that call in real life, just laugh and say: So will you!

  4. It sound like the movie the ring, but u have nothing to worry about cause I get 3-4 unknown calls everyday I answer they hang up. So don't let your dream become really, remember a movie is a movie with cameras & actors, makeup don't let them scare u.  

  5. wow thats scary i would like be freaked out if that ever happened to me!!!!  now in the dream u didnt actually die did u?  maybe if u do pick up the phone and it actually does happen, u should meet a phycologist or the police or anything u believe could help.  this could be real, or it can be all a dream---ure mind playing tricks on u...but youll never know unless u pick up pthe phone...

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