
SHAVING LEGS?? plz help?

by  |  earlier

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what is the best stuff to use? what is the worst stuff? what do you use? is waxing better? helppp =]




  1. i just use regular soap and a venus razor with about 3-4 blades in it.

    i also have the razor with a bar of soap built in. the first one works the best though.

  2. I use venus disposables and skintimate gel. It always works really well for me! Just make sure your razor is sharp so that you don't get red bumps.

  3. well shaving is okay, but your hairs come back after like 3 days.

    i think waxing is a bit better, but a little painful.

    i use shaving cream, and a razor.

    but it's a pain to use every like 4 days.

  4. waxing isdefinatly betturr

  5. try leaving a conditioner on for a minute r 2..n then wud give u a good shave and leave the skin irresistibly smooth !!!!!

  6. Juss shaving cream and a sharp razor thats it and waxing hurts alot razors dont

  7. I personally like a Venus razor and use Skintamate Shaving Gel.

    I change the head of my razor about once every 2 weeks.

    ALSO, try using conditioner as like shaving makes you really soft. :]

  8. Mens Razors and Shaving cream. Worst stuff is regular bar soap. I use guy products. Waxing is good alternative, but Shaving is better.

  9. I would prefer to use wax but my skin is extremely sensitive and red spots appear so i started using veet razor with the shaving mousse, that works for me. the only disadvantage is it get prickly within a day.

  10. 1] get some shaving gel [ moisturizing, or extra protection ], NEVER SOAP, and a good razor.

    I2] n a pinch, you can shave with conditioner, or body gel - but not to often [ less protection ].

    3] use a new razor every 3 - 4 shaves [ older razor - less sharp - more nicks ] NEVER BORROW or loan your razor - not even to husband - very easy to get an infection.

    4] shave in shower or tub, NEVER 'DRY' , at end of washing - so pores are open, and hair is soft

    5] shave from ankles to knees, three strokes at a time, overlapping each one - then rinse razor. Keep shaving and rinsing until all of lower leg done

    6] then shave from knee to top of thigh, same method

    7] shave kneecaps with legs straight

    8] shave backs of ankles with toes pointing up to knees - to prevent nicks

    9] rinse well

    10] wait a few minutes before applying moisturizer etc to prevent irritation

    [ brush teeth or something ]

  11. for REALLY sensitive skin, use veet or some kind of hair removal lotion.

    shaving- always use some kind of shaving cream. soap never did it for me, if i ran out of shaving cream, i would use conditioner. first try a razor with only ONE blade. you should really test this first because if you use too many blades, you can end up with red itchy razor burn all over depending on how your skin reacts. for me, 3 blades works but anything more than that is WAY too much and i would get more knicks and razor burn.

    waxing- works every time and really well IF you have the time, money, and tollerance for it. although when shaving, you would have to do it more often, it is MUCH cheaper because razors usually last a while if kept clean and the usually come in packs of a bunch. waxing can get costly especially if you have longer legs/more hair/expensive salon, and some people (like me) are on a budget so i cannot get mine waxed. the pain isnt as bad as people think. you get used to it after the first few strips... and it is no way near as bad as getting a bikini wax.. OUCH!

    hope i helped  : D

  12. don't use cheap razors that you can get like 20 of them for a cuple dollers. (they really tear up your skin). and dont use that veet stuff that removes your hair without shaving.(it burns badly & stinks). i'd use some more of a expansive razor, they work and last longer!

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