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Okay it seems as if everytime I daydream..a snake pops up. I don't get it. I don't like snakes. Last summer I did that..and I actually started seeing them around my neighborhood. Does anyone know what this reoccuring symbol could mean?




  1. oooooooooo thats kinda coooooll!!!!  SWWEEEETTTT!!!!  anyway it probably means that u need to get used to it!!!  :^)))

  2. A symbol for something sinister? That all depends on the mythology you follow. According to many cultures snakes are a symbol of the infinite, and a symbol of rebirth and fertility...

    As for seeing them around your neighborhood, they were no more common than they ever were, just having them on your mind will make you notice them more often.

  3. it means that you should learn to get used to them, and stop fearing them. My ex-stepmother hated snakes, so she had her son kill a legless lizard!! snakes are needed to save the environment, so get used to them.

  4. Maybe this is a sign for you to conquer your fear of snakes.

  5. Snakes are a symbol for something sinister.  It's a good warning to be vigilant in your surroundings at all times.
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