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what have you tried?

How was it?

How did you react?

lemme know.pls/thx




  1. I get high off of frog pee.

    Tripped balls.

  2. Weed made me bawl for hours. I can only imagine how other drugs would make me feel. I refuse to even take a chance.

    I've been put on narcotics for migraines (traditional meds don't work) and got the euphoric feeling from them. I think I self-medicated for the bipolar with them too. When I was put on methadone and told to keep taking them even though I begged to be taken taken off of them, I was miserable. I couldn't think. I was vomiting. I had black-outs. I'm sure my personality changed. It's worthless stuff and the withdrawal was horrible. I get mad when I hear that another person has been prescribed methadone for pain. I refuse to take narcotics anymore and just deal with my pain without any pills. (Oops, another rant.)

    Sooo...I haven't had the best of luck of luck with drugs, other than my current medications. I suppose that might be a good thing.

  3. I have tried ecstacy, acid, computer duster (ha!), and weed.

    Ecstacy was just ****** stupid and not my kind of drug, acid was aweeesome but it's not something I'd want to do a lot because the day after I literally did not feel like a human being, computer duster was crazy as **** but SUPER addicting just don't do it, and weed is the best ever. I've also gotten drunk many a time. Just stick with smoking weed, it's better than alcohol or any other drug. You'll just be sooo chill and laugh at so much **** and have the most philosophical conversations with some kid you just met, it's seriously awesome.

  4. I smoked weed, did coke & meth & experimented with some pills.

    Weed make me paranoid, sleepy, hungry, feel fuzzy & like jello.

    Coke & meth almost ruined my life. I lost my job b/c after a week up being awake I crashed (came down & passed out asleep) & never showed up for work. My parents kicked me  out of my house & my principal wanted me arrested & sent to a clinic.

    The pills had different effects but for the most part made me feel dizzy & disoriented & made me speak weird (like I'd just mumble weird things)

    All in all I wouldn't do any of them again. =)

  5. In order, ciggies, alchohol,pot,mushrooms,speed,pills( xanax,  vicodin , percocet,  colodipins, oxycontin )inhalants (spraypaint,dust-off,ether),skittles(cor... coke,Salvia Divinorum.

    I smoked pot for years and it made me a zombie.I don't remeber most of these years and don't really try to.Coke sucked. Speed got me high as h**l, like adrenaline times 5. It kept you awake forever though and there were times when you crashed so hard it was unbearable.It was always at like 3-4 in the morning too, and you had no one to talk to.Speed is horrible in the ned.Alchohol makes you retarded and sick, also give s hangovers, inhalants kill braincells like nobodies business and the effects are immediate,you feel stupider right away,cigarettes kill lung tissue,I never got into pills or coke too much, so I am not the one to ask,I didn't like them,coricidin was fun and crazy,I stole it from stores so it was free too,I also stole alchohol bottles and ran, we called this L-runs, grab and go,anyways coricidin will eventually mess you up too im sure, Salvia was insane,I left my body and went to differant dimenesions and differant worlds, not in a cool Narnia way though, which is what I was expecting (I'm stupid) I went to pure nergy dimensions and communicated telepathicaslly with extraterrestrial enrgy beings. It was very strange and almost drove me insane trying to make sense of it and pondering the infinite dimensions of this universe. And finally shrooms. I love shrooms. They are a sacred right to mankind from god. Just because people in a courthouse (backstabbing lawyers) say its wrong doesn't make it so. It is a religious sacrement. They have brought me profound personall insights as well as some of the best nights of my life. Thre visuals are beautiful beyond description. There is nothing like watching the sunset or stars comeout on mushrooms. It is indescribably divine. Makes you want to cry in complete ecstasy and awe.They are teachers and must be respected however. If I was to do one drug it would be mushrooms, but I don't do drugs anymore. All the other drugs suck. Shrooms are beautiful and natural. I would like to try peyote and DMT however.Oh yeah and you laugh and feel times 100, just holding your girl on mushrooms is heaven on earth, its magical.

  6. pot ............cant remember what i felt was a while back like 8 yrs jajajjaja

  7. I have smoked weed and snorted coke.

    Weed is fun but not after you do it a lot then you get tired and hungry, coke is mad fun.

    Weed your just like blah, coke you have mad fun and laugh alot.

  8. weed is ok, but it makes you a loser it seriously does very addictive. Speed is addictive but awesome to stay awake on and party or just chill and get things done, come downs for people are different but i had really bad come downs and couldn't sleep it off cause i couldn't sleep properly after doing it, but very addictive.. it's good in moderation as any drugs are. Extasy is awesome.. if you get a good one :) just think happy thoughts and keep moving and don't freak out! If you get a bad one well.. your stuffed haha and i tend to vomit at first on pills when it kicks in :)

  9. well I quit everything, but let me just say everything I tried I liked and the only thing I was actually addicted to was weed.  Like I said I quit everything:

    weed(a lot), coke, shrooms, acid, percocet, vicodin, loratab, xanax, oxy's, adderall, valum, special k, hash and opium

    Never touched crack,meth, ectasy or heroin, never injected anything

    I'm 27 and still alive to tell about all the crazy stuff I've done.

  10. my favorite is shrooms, mmmm shrooms.

    they are simply amazing.

    they make amazing visuals, patterns on walls moving, dancing bushes, amazing lights, crazy ****.

    the best was walking up to a wash and the side we were on was basically a giant set of stairs. it looked like a flat wall and as you got close they came out towards us all 3D. people look like video game characters, and you feel floppy. you talk a lot and your pupils get huge. you cant leave anyone you are with or you feel like a huge part of you is missing. you always have a cigarette in your and you barely smoke it.

    I name every cigarette i smoke.

    it is my all time favorite thing to do.

    and the best thing is, it is just food poisoning so it doesnt show up in drug tests. you cant get addicted and it has no long term effects.


  11. im really to poor to too many new drugs but bars are badass, pot is, well, pot. i mean its nothing special. shrooms and LSD are where its at man.or when im really broke and need to get high i just pop a buncha benedryl. thatll do ya some good

  12. well, first i tried beer at 10, then cigarettes at 12, then pot at 14, then cocaine at 15, then crank at 16 , then at 17 i ended up trying that so called awsome drug "ICE" well, it was great at first i had 4 kids by the age of 21 and it made me feel like super mom, then i decided to try pills . well, this so called cool life of drugs and partying landined me in a mental institute for attempted suicide. i lost my kids to d fax for 2 years and left me homeless for a while . sleeping my way around just for a place to live. i now have to take meds for bi polar and have already had a mini stroke from doing these drugs. i have seizures , and have to visit my doctor  regulary . only by the grace of God, i have found a new life with God and i am a recovering addict . i have my childern back with me now but its not like they did not remember what they had to go through with a drug addict mother . so. yes, drugs made me feel great at the time. but there are ALWAYS consequences for your actions. one drug leads to others and  just pray to god that your actions dont hurt hurt others the way mine did. so you go have you some fun experimenting.

  13. I have tried most drugs...from pot to vicodin, to heroin to coke

    cocaine was my fave:

    The first high is the best feeling in the world...u feel invincible, indestructable, u own the world...u are everything u want to be and more...u get energized, feel like cleaning, concentrating, studying ....u don't get hungry...

    it feels like this for the first 5 times....then u need more to feel ok...then more and more...instead of doing 2 little lines you do four little ones....then u kid urself by saying u only need 2...but these two lines end up being the thickest you have ever done...and u feel happy the first 3 minutes...then u feel jittery, and start looking out your blinds and locking all your doors,

    before you know it u need it on a daily basis...u can no longer enoy your high because ur worried about ur movements...u are so concerned hiding it from jaw locks, urn nose gets swollen...u carry a mirror to check ur nose every 2 minutes for residue...which comes down a lot of the time because ur nose is red and messed up and can no longer hold the cocaine in...

    then u need money for ur next hit...and u steal lie and cheat...betray everyone and find urself doing things u told urself u would never do...

    then ...when u become super paranoid , u cannot sleep and u keep checking doors and windows...even tough no one is looking t u...u feel miserable...ur heart pounds and u can feel it...u are no longer creative you are no longer invincible...u technically become useless...while allthis is going on...u carry q tips with you because your nasal walls have began to deteriorate and dry a wound with a scab...and u have to put the q tip in there to clean it and take the scab off in order to breathe and be able to snort another line...and it stings and u want to kill urself....but u cant stop.

    ur next stop if it isn't the morgue it's jail or rehab...

    addiction is not is absolute chaos and anarchy in ur own head...for the rest of my life I will wake up an addict and go to bed an addict...i will have to go to meetings on a daily basis and keep myself out of bars and weird places...I will never drink champagne at my wedding or have a Margarita on girl night out...I'm 22... I got sober at 20. I did not have a drink for my 21st birthday....but I was ok with it cuz I know what addiction is like and I don't want to go back there...

    pretty much what I' saying is...why would u want to deprive urself of all the wonderful experiences life has to offer sober...or being a "normal" drinker? enjoy ur life drug free...they take u nowhere fast...seriously

  14. -alcohol







    -angel dust



    I find that mixing weed with a depressant makes me sick.  Angel dust did some weird stuff so I only used it twice (the weird stuff happened the second time when we smoke a large blunt laced with it).  Shrooms are awesome.  Ecstasy has its name for a reason. Coke makes you blow all your money.  

    I'm happy to say that I'm past my experimental phase (ironically, it ended when I turned 21).  I drink and smoke weed once in a while (never together, it makes me sick), but that's it.

  15. I have tried everything that i can think of except some pharmaceuticals.

    I would say that the absolute rule with all drugs without exception is that they always take more than they give.

    They may take you to amazing places for a while but they bring you down lower than you were when you started. If you take them too much you end up so far behind that it's a massive job to claw your way back to the surface of normality. Sometimes we even may lose the motivation to do that and just take more substances to bring us back again- this is when addictive behaviours start. But that is only a temporary solution because soon ingesting substances won't even bring you back up to the point you started from and then you are well and truly f u ck ed.

    So thats what i think of drugs (including alcohol).

    All those people who are saying how great certain drugs are, i would be fairly sure that they are all under twenty years old and only just starting to use them. Of course they are fun to start with. People aren't that stupid to do something that can potentially enslave them for no reason. But jumping off a cliff is probably a huge rush until you hit the ground.

    I would say that if you want advice about drugs then ask  someone who is an expert on them ( as in who has studied them- not just taken heaps).  I mean if you're going to buy a car you don't go around asking people who've just got their license and are still driving their parents stationwagon do you, you go ask a mechanic or someone who actually knows something about them.

    My own personal non-expert opinion is; don't ***** with drugs, cos they will ***** you up.

  16. I started pot when I was 12 and smoked it til I was 17. I quit because I started to get real light headed and panicky when I smoked it. I used meth from 13-19yrs old and I have lost a lot of my teeth and I have a lot of heath problems. I also have a lot of problems with my brain. I see shadows that arnt there and stuff like that. It's a drug that will drive you insane. Like 4 white walls and straight jacket insane. Tried coke a cpl times but didn't like it cause it didn't last long. Acid will really s***w u up. Had a real bad trip and alomst commited suicide. I did the pill thing and the 1st overdose I was in acoma for 3 days. Right now I am off all illegal and prescription drugs but I use vitamins, minerals, and herbs. You can get a "high" off of health. I know it sounds weird but there is a herb for just about anything. An upper, a downer and a bunch for healing. I wish I had my health back and I wish I never used cause I will be paying for it the rest of my life.

  17. Marijuana


    Magic Mushrooms

    no I'm not a hippie!

  18. I am proud to say that I have never tried illegal drugs before- and I am quite happy with this choice.

  19. pot

    -it was nice, i loved it, it releases so much stress and tension for me.. first time, everyone is paranoid as fu** and you freak out and think the police are gonna get you

    -unfortunately a lot of places drug test for work and its not worth the risk.

    -dont start.. it will get addicting, not the drug. the feeling.


    -um.. yah, made me suicidal really really bad.. DONT ever try it. its a form of meth and the crash you get when you come off it is very dangerous, if i would of been alone when i came off that stuff i wouldnt be here right now.

    vicadin/percs (pills)

    -pain killers increase the intensity of alcohol when consumed before hand, but can be EXTREMELy dangerous and you can die from easy overdose.

    -dont recommend it because your body adapts to them and then when youre sick or in the hospital, they wont work on you, and youre gonna be in a c**p ton of pain

    -pills in general are bad because they are addicting and you cant control the outcome of anything when you pop em either which means you can end up doing really really bad things and then not know about it later on..

    all and all, try as hard as you can not to get into it. been there done it. regrets... its also a BIG waste of money.. so yah. ive had so many friends OD and ive been to the hospital countless times for friends that have been hurt or done stupid stuff while on sh**. not only can you damage your body severly, you also get in deep c**p with the law.
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