
Saarland fee?

by Guest57970  |  earlier

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I want to know about rent fee of a place and other charges for a student that be going to study in Saarland university?




  1. Ask the Studentenwerk of the University, they should be able to help you, and there is a health insurance to be paid, but I don't know how much that is now.

    Rent depends totally on what you expect in mod cons, anything from ca 300 Euro, and there is student accomodation provided by the university, quite comfy at a reasonable price.

    Don't drink Neufang beer, it's really horrible, and do visit the "Deutsch Franzoesischer Garten" and the "Moderne Galerie", with one of the best collections of German expressionists.

    Oh, and be prepared not to understand the locals at first, even if your German is quite good already, many Germans don't either.

    I hope the crack is still as good as in my time, though "humanists" always seem to have more fun than "scientists".

    Stude et lude!

  2. Here is a link for the "Student association" from this university. I suggest you contact them they can answer all your questions.

    In general: there are special apartment complexes for students, as lease per month around 200 Euro is a reasonable start.

    What the university itself cost depends what status you have and from which country you come. For Germans University itself is free ( a small administration fee of 100 Euro per year). Around 3 % of all seats are reserved for foreign students.

    I suggest you contact the "Student", they will everything you know and they will speak English.

    Go od luck and have fun !
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