
Sabah people? i need help..

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where is kampung or pedalaman or something like that in sabah? i need to find a place that is relli relli far from city life.. like people still use perigi to mandi n stuff and still live in house made from woods .. what the place name n where?




  1. Theres lot of kampung pedalaman lar.. in daerah keningau, tenom, kemabong etc..etc.. you know bout the largest taman pertanian in malaysia?? in tenom. while do your physics, have a good trip maa.  

  2. Woo... you really need to go to Gindy's kampung at Ranau. Just near the Mount Kinabalu. Very beautiful place.

  3. don't have to go so far. Just come to Kota Kinabalu is enough.

    Kota Kinabalu city always has power breakout. We need new hydroelectic dam too. Even thou Kota Kinabalu has a city status now. It is just like a kampung. Power failure at least once in a week, illegal immigrant use perigi / drain water to cook nasi lemak or take bath, people live in broken wood hut (in Pulau Gaya and kampung Likas) and we can help you get more exam marks (we know who lah)

  4. such a cute nakal girl la...often skip classes now interested with final project? lol... just 'ambush' 5miles+gindy's kampung laa....

    good luck.

  5. My kg also got things like that woo... We go mandi2 at the river also, got perigi also.. Our house also made of woods, you know the one with bawah kulung punya type of house. And our kitchen's floor made of bambu. Ask gindy to bring you la there.. If malu2, Pensiangan is one place that is far2 away from the city. I got friend from there if you want any help.


    Go to Pensiangan then. I think somewhere in Kiulu also got, forgot the name la..

  6. Can find anywhere in Sabah - even two km from town got wooden hut, no electricity, no running water...bath-go to river...

  7. Hi Princess we meet again...???

    Seriuosly Air Asia or Mas Airline offers  pretty cheap travels nowadays...Im suggesting  that you take a short trip or holiday ....there lots of nice folks there that will answer all your long lost question, Take it first hand... those who offer you answer here are pretty SMART in their observation not realistic in their out look...Cheers!!

  8. kota marudu, pitas

  9. don't assume that living in those place as fun and easy way there is no running water and electricity.And food is extremely limited. Tongod is one of the rural place but if you want beach go to Sawagan Beach or Tempurung Beach at Kuala Penyu 30km after Beaufort    

  10. i m too far away.. to help :p

  11. Ranau or Telupid. maybe Kota Belud also...

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