
Sad quotes, lyrics, etc...

by Guest57489  |  earlier

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I just need some sad lyrics or quotes please.

They can be short, or long, etc.

To be a little more specific, I'm mostly looking for heartbreak, life, loneliness quotes/lyrics. But you can include any sad songs/lyrics.

Thank you in advance :)




  1. Of all sad word of tongue or pen,

    the saddest are these:

    "It might have been."

    -- John Greenleaf Whittier

  2. ~ Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad. ~      Henry Wordsworth Longfellow

    ~ Life is a foreign language: all men mispronounce it. ~       Christopher Morley

    ~ You cannot discover the purpose of life by asking someone else - the only way you'll ever get the right answer is by asking yourself. ~      Terri Guillemets

    ~ One should rather die than be betrayed. There is no deceit in death. It delivers precisely what it has promised. Betrayal, though ... betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope. ~      Steven Deitz

    ~ Why love if losing hurts so much? I have no answers anymore; only the life I have lived. The pain now is part of the happiness then. ~      Anthony Hopkins

  3. May you wander over the face of the earth forever, never sleep twice in the same bed, never drink water twice from the same well, and never cross the same river twice in a year.

    Traditional Gypsy Curse

    Seek counsel of him who makes you weep, and not of him who makes you laugh.

    He was my North, my South, my East and West,

    My working week and Sunday rest,

    My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;

    I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.

    - - - -W. H. Auden

    I believe that if i should die,

    and you were to walk near my grave,

    from the very depths of the earth

    I would hear your footsteps.

    - - - -Benito Perez Galdos

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