
Sailing question:?

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How well does a Bodrum Gullet handle heavy seas? Am considering this boat for a circumnavigation.




  1. First let me say that I am not real familiar with Gullets,but those that I've seen are generally made of wood (high maintnance and expensive to repair) and pretty large for a long trip with only two aboard. Since a circumnavigation generally takes years to complete it would be dificult to find a large enough crew that could live in the close quarters of even a large vessel much less a sruising sailboat. So, assuming we're talking about a couple, I would think anything over 40-45ft would be a handful to sail unless the motor was used extensively. If I were circumnavigating I would want the lowest possible maintnance so I could spend my time getting to know the locals and explore. So unless you have wads of money a 30-45ft fiberglass boat would likely be the best compromise for a circumnavigation. On the other hand, the Gullets are so beautifully traditional looking that if money were not a concern, I wouldn't hesitate to circumnavigate in one!

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