
Salem witch trails?

by Guest62823  |  earlier

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I need to talk about the salem witch trails at my uni and i have looked on the internet and there is soo much about it .. too much to think of lol

can anyone please tell me the short story of it by any chance ?




  1. I have never been to a witch trail only a graveyard there when i was young. If you ever go there tell my great great great great.......... grandmother hi she was burned for being a witch there

  2. Go read the book "The Crusible"

  3. My suggestion is to read the book The Crucible. It is not very long (actually quite short) and is the main part of the story of the events of Salem.

    Also, to clarify, the Salem Mass that exists today is not the same Salem Mass that the trials took place in. Salem Town changed its name to Danvers sometime after the trials. So if you want to go first hand to the location, do not go to Salem, as now it is all for tourists - though they do have some good museums.

  4. read the summary on the salem witch museum web site, it's short and sums it up well.

  5. Read the crucible and gather as much "mythology" about the trials as you can. Try focusing on the so-called evidence they had for convicting the women. Then, do some research on ERGOT! It is a fungus that grows on wheat in certain areas and when consumed can cause a number of symptoms such as: fever, hallucinations, rashes, seizures and palpatations. research has found that salem at that time (wheather conditions, humidity etc) was perfect for the growth and spread of Ergot.

    There was a channel 4 documentary about it a few years back - may be worth searching for it - maybe You Tube?

    Hope that helps a bit

  6. witches are not burned anymore ...but they are not really welcome in mondern society either

  7. The Crucible is a good protrayal of what happened at the Salem witch trials although, as you said, there is a lot more too it.  If you don't like to read, there is a really entertaining film version with Daniel Day-Lewis and Winona Ryder.

    However I would strongly recommend, even just scanning, the plethora of facts that is available on the subject.  The when you have done all that, get a big piece of paper, and put a list of key words that come to mind about the subject.  Then write what you remember about each key word, this will aid retention.

    If you have a genuine interest in the subject, it will be difficult to stop researching.

  8. It actually started because three girls and a slave were caught in the act of divination.  A game wherein they tried to see what their future husband's profession would be.  At that time, divination was considered witchcraft, and it was the minister of the town that caught them.  So they decided to cast the blame elsewhere.  In truth there was no witchcraft involved in the Salem Witch Trials.  Most of the people who were hung as witches, (witches were not burned on this continent, although some were drowned) owned lands that the folks doing the accusing and being the judge, jury, and executioner.  The incident that finally put a stop to the Salem Witch Trials was the fact that the girls doing the accusing finally named the wife of the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  The Governor put a stop to it right there and then.

  9. Here is another site direct from today's Salem to the page that listing frequently asked questions and links to summary answers.  There is much more to it, but this summarizes some key points.

    Much much later, scholars introduced the theory that one of the major contributing factors which caused the strange behavior that ignited and fueled the fire of the witch hysteria was ergot poisioning, so as already suggested, you may want to google that and read a few facts about it as well.

    One suggestion I could give to narrow things down a bit is pick one particular focus for your talk, give a brief outline of the chain of events (which many people are actually familiar with), and then focus more on one particular area - such as more detail about the factors that contributed to the witch trials, or the court procedures and what type of evidence was used against the accused, or something like that.

    Good luck with your talk!

    Um - long claws - perhaps you should read a couple of the websites listed as well and learn some history, as well as about modern-day witches.  There were no witches burned in Salem Town.  19 were hanged, 1 was pressed to death, and several died in prison.

    I am quite welcomed by the majority of my community.

  10. Those of us who get through uni. do it on our own merit, not by asking people to take the shortcuts for us.
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