
Sam Newman & Craig Hutchinson?

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Why the ill feeling between the two? Always seems to be tension? I have missed a couple shows this year, whats the deal?




  1. I have no idea why the tension, I think Craig needs to have that stick surgically removed from his butt!

    "Why so serious" ?

  2. Sam Newman, for all his problems and alleged sins, is an established personality,with views and opinions, and Hutchinson has none. Zero.Nada.

    He is not a bad researcher or scriptwriter, says someone I know who went to VUT with him, but as a presenter, he makes a good cushion. He takes the shape of the last person who sat on him HARD.

    Please Ch 9, get him behind-the-scenes writing scripts for Brayshaw, who has trouble thinking spontaneously, and bring on Caro Wilson from the much-better Footy Classified.

    Not only is she better informed, she listens to what other people have to say and discusses that, instead of sticking to her own topic despite exhausting it, as Hutchinson does.

    Craig's tension with Newman is pure green-eyed ENVY.

  3. Sammy is a character and a footy icon love him or hate him and craig hutchy comes across as just a media grub that would sell his grand mother for a story,and i think sam knows it and takes exception to the nobody.............i switch over when hutchy is on.

  4. **There does seem to be a lot of tension between the two.  I always get the impression that Hutchy doesn't like Sam and he makes such a big deal when Sam does something (ie makes a stupid comment etc) and instead of just ignoring it, he fires up and just encourages Sam.  

    Hutchy needs to get a bit of a sense of humour and ignore Sam because then he'll get sick of trying to annoy him.**

  5. Sam always teases hutchy about his hair and small things like that, he sees hutchy as very weak i recon. hutchy doesnt really know how to take the jokes which isnt good - but i feel sorry for him coz sam always bags him!

  6. hahaha hutchy is an imbecile

    john is just doing his normal thing and craig doesnt like it

  7. Hutchinson is the biggest nobody on the box, his 'exclusive" stories are c**p why the footy show have him on is beyond me, get him orf NOW!!!

  8. it goes back a long time, i believe Craig did a new report or released some private info on a player, and a lot of people have not fogotten or forgiven yet

  9. they are g*y lovers

  10. Craig Hutchinson has about as much humour

    in him as trevor Marmalade has + minus zero!

    They should put them both behind the bar and

    get them to drink a bottle of scotch each before

    the shows starts. Their performance couldn't be

    any worse, drunk, than it is now.

  11. aww no he let out private stuff ? so lol people needa stop being big dumb babies...its the AFL..if a player has a private life u should be very aware of him..and keep close eyes on him

  12. I think it all stems from Sam rubbishing Hutchy about his chrome dome. Anyway Sam, for whatever reason, stirs Hutchy & Hutchy can't take it, & cracks a sad.

    As someone in here has already said, if one is prepared to go on the Footy Show they should expect something from Sam. And, Sam is like a dog at a bone if he sees he is getting through to someone. Hutchy should have just grinned & bore it at the start & it would have not gotten anywhere near like it is now.

    If you can't stand the heat - keep out of the kitchen!

  13. hutchy needs a cup of cement to harden the *** up.

    sam rubed shoe polish on his head due to his baldness.

    everyone goes through getting stirred by sam.

    crawford just gives it back which i think hutchy should do insted of being a lil ***** about it all

  14. In short, Sam Newman always teases Hutchy about his hair loss, and tried to rub shoe polish on his head. In my opinion, if you want to be on the Footy Show, you have to be prepared to be stirred by Sam Newman! Look what Gary Lyon goes through!

  15. About a month ago Sam rubbed shoe polish on Craigs head and Craig cracked the s***s and walked off

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