
San Salvador??

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o.k im going there in july (last week) its my 1st time ever so i have a bunch of questions...

hows the weather there?

what hotel do u recommend for a low price?

Places to visit?

what to wear?

and one last IMPORTANT question:

do they have a burger king?? lol





  1. San Salvador is nice the weather it will be rainy since it is summer, i would recomend the hilton actually most hotels there are good, wear summer clothes because it will be warm but not too warm, and yes they do have a burger king and anything you might need it has everything the US has except is a small country, el salvador has its problems like most countries but there is usually alot of security everywhere you go when i was there there is security everywhere and cops are always around so you will be very safe there. Nicaragua i wouldnt recomend the country is very corrupt and full of thiefs managua is extremely dangerous specially at night, the economy there is pretty much gone down the drain so you will most likely get robbed because more than half of the 5 million people living there 2.5 million are unemployed that is why they go work for costa ricans and el salvador. costa rica is a paradise. have fun!

  2. I've not been to San Salvador (except as a layover) but I've spent much time in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Panama. The weather is tropical but can be quite cool in the mountain regions so bring a variety unless you know exactly where you're going to be already. They probably don't have a Burger King ;) San Jose Costa Rica does, but there is a much larger american tourist population there than other central American countries like Nicaragua, Panama, and Guatemala and I'm sure San Salvador.

    Mostly though I wanted to say GOOD LUCK! I love love love Central America and I hope you do too.

    A couple more points about Central America, if someone warns you against a place (a bar, town, travel route) - sure it MAY be fine, but its best to take the advise and be safe. Street food is cheap, good, and pretty safe to eat so be adventurous!  The water is safe to drink in my experience, but ask about it from other travelers first. Don't walk home drunk by yourself! Perhaps when you get back you can give me a few pointers, I plan on going sometime soon!

  3. go to this website

    the weather is warm and hot

    i like the princess hilton hotel

    go to the malls,   like la gran via

    they dont have a burger king but they have BIggest which is better in my opinion

  4. The weather is going to be rainy and hot a lot of thunderstorms. I recommend the Radisson Hotel in Downtown San Salvador. Wear something comfortable BUT NOT FLASHY. You wear something flashy you might become a target form some of the gang members there. Avoid Soyapango and the ghetto areas of San Salvador stay near the rich and nice areas. Visit the beaches of La Libertad and El Cuco in San Miguel Department. There is a Burger King located in downtown San Salvador and its almost as good as the American burger king. Oh and there is another one in San Jacinto which is about 4 miles from San Salvador. Puerta del Diablo is a very good tourist place but you have to try the pupusas there!

  5. Check out the international hostel.  It is in a safe neighborhood and the owners are very friendly.  I think rooms are around $15 a  night and include breakfast.  Biggest is a whole lot better than BK.  If you don't blend well with the Latin population don't carry anything of value unless you are in places with lots of people.  As far as gangs most of them stay in their respective neighborhoods.  The people of El Salvador are very friendly enjoy yourself.

  6. San Salvador is a beautiful place. Due to the economic strain and deportations of individuals in gangs has brought the country some violence and crime, but then again this  occurs everywhere even in the United States. The weather is tropical, meaning a lot of humidity and unexpected showers. None the less beautiful green trees and tropical flowers can be found around El Salvador. I suggest wearing light clothing, for example shorts, linen, t-shirts . If you can avoid wearing jewelry then do so (do not wear it). It could be dangerous!!! Visit the beach, such as, el cuco and la liberta. I don't know hotels we usually stay with friends and family. There are a lot of American restaurants, such as, McDonald's, Pizza Hut and so on. But I wouldn't eat that food I would stick to the food and fruits of El Salvador its delicious.

  7. The weather is going to be warm and humid and it will probably rain every afternoon for an hour or two. Which will cool down the temperature.

    For reasons of safety, I recommend you stay in only one of these neighborhoods, San Benito, Santa Elena, Escalan or near the universities, but that area can be sketchy.  Under no circumstances should you consider staying near the city center, it can be quite dangerous.  Hotel prices vary, and there are few hostels that cater to backpackers and such.  Check out lonely planet, they just made an El Salvador/Nicaragua book this year!

    Places to visit, well, to be honest with you, San Salvador is not a good tourist town. There are a few museums, a couple of malls and a few other sites, but, otherwise slim pickings. If you like to party, pretty decent nightlife.  El Salvador in general is not one of the stronger tourist destinations in Central America. Also, it can be extremely dangerous, gangs are located in almost every town and city in the country, and in some areas, control everything.  So, you must be extremely careful, even in places where you think you maybe safe.  They strike everywhere.

    Bring light cotton cloths, very humid.  If you like to hang out, there are clubs and bars that will expect you to wear nice cloths, so bring at least an outfit for clubs or trendy bars.  As I said before, you will get rained on, so pack accordingly.  

    They do have Burger King, but, you must try the Pupusa, the national food of El Salvador.

    Hope I was able to help you out.

  8. What are you planning on doing there and how long will you be there?

    Hot, you may get some rain.

    You may want to try the Hotel Grecia Real. I last stayed there maybe 2,3 years ago and it was around $30.00 a night. 24 hour security, a pool. "" probably cheaper than the Hilton. There was a night club across the street. A couple of blocks away from Metrocentro on the blvd of heroes. So the bus is no problem.

    If you want cheaper you might try XimenasGuestHouse "

    Haven't stayed there but have heard a few good things about it.

    There are at least 7 museums in San Salvador to visit

    The hotel can give you more info.

    Where you go and how far depends on your schedule.

    The beaches a good place to go about an hour from S.S. is playa atami it has a couple of pools a water slide all the way to the ocean. pretty good beaches.

    The military museum in Perquin is is worth the trip.  The town of Suchitoto is worth a visit. The route of flowers on the weekend is fun, stop in Juayua for the festival.

    Ruins off of CA-1 San Andres and Joya de Ceren.

    I wear shorts in the days and slacks or jeans at night for dinner, but it depends on what I am doing. No jewelry. Watch your bags, camera....

    For souviners go to mercado nacional de artesanias.

    Don't travel alone at night, keep your wits about you.

    Do a little research on where you are going.

    have a good safe trip

  9. san salvador is the most dangerous place in the region and the country it is full of violence homicides and poverty. i suggest you stay away from poor neighbor hood (almost all of them) and stay in a big hotel, something owned by foreigners. they do have a burger king but you wont see locals there because of the extreme poverty problem in the country youll only see other travellers. becarefull and dont carry much money or valuable stuff on you if you go out and do not go out at night. hearing gun shots is an every day thing for locals but for tourists is very frightening i strongly think you should just pass el salvador entirely and go to Honduras or Guatemala which are  close. Do not hang around the airport after dark please be careful on your trip
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