
Sansa Clip mp3 Pre-downloaded songs?

by  |  earlier

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I bought a Sansa Clip mp3 player. I downloaded and added the songs I wanted to play, but there are about 5 songs that were already downloaded onto the device. I can't delete them from the mp3 player because they don't appear in the "Music" folder. How do I get rid of these songs??




  1. Each song has several different files associated with it besides just the MP3 file.  You need to find all the other files and delete them, too.  If you don't know what you are doing just poking around explorer (as the Clip acts like a USB pen drive), then get Sansa Media Converter for the Cip and use the delete function in that software.  Media Cnverter 'knows' where all the various files are for a particlular MP3 file. has Media Converter for free download.


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