
Sarcasm and insulting my intelligence?

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Today I was insulted by this man at a meeting with a bad attitude and another insulted my intelligence. It was as the both of them were doing it on purpose and being snappy and rude. It took everything in me to keep my composure because I am all about being professional and not making a scene no matter how rude a person may be . I also knew that if I opened my mouth I would have cursed the both of them out. My concern is, even though this was hours ago, the comments they made still bother me mostly because I never in my life had anyone speak to me the way they did. What can I do to get it off my mind. Should I call their managers and complain or just let it go. Any answers?




  1. Congratulations: you're yet another victim of androcentric tendencies of society.

  2. Next time you have a meeting do the unexpected.  Just waltz in there with a camcorder/tape recorder in your hand (perfectly visible).  If they ask why are you recording then tell them it is because you need to document for accuracy.

  3. If you let it go, they'll feel free to do it again.

    They'll think it's allowed.

    Do say something.  If not to them, then to your supervisors.

    Be easy-going about it this time.  Pass it off like a joke, maybe something like:

    "Gee, Tom, a little sarcastic in that meeting, or what?"


    "Did someone forget their happy pill this morning?".

    That also opens up a conversation about your performance.  Maybe they expected something different, and you can make that change for next time.

    At the end of the conversation, make it clear that you expect all criticism to be respectful and private in the future.

  4. Congratulations on being the mature professional in this situation.  I'd try to speak to them first.  Wait until you've cooled down and think through exactly what you'll say.  Don't let them know how upset you were, but more like how unprofessional their conduct was, you didn't appreciate it and don't want it repeated.  I'd call their superiors only if they were extremely out of line.

    They may pull this stunt again.  Have some snappy comebacks prepared ahead of time.  See is any of these would work.

    Did you get out on the wrong side of bed?

    Lighten up.  You better get another cup of coffee.

    If you think that's funny, you're wrong.

    I'm sorry you're having a bad day.  Don't take it out on me.

    You can try to joke it off, or get more serious.  But you can't let them get away with being unprofessional.  You can let this one incident go, but prepare yourself, as there may be more.  Don't let them surprise you if there's a next time.  You'll know exactly what action to take.


  5. just dont let it bother you obviously they get a kick out of "sarcasm" although sarcasm is meant to be an insult to someones intelligence. you are the bigger person by remaining professional and i almost envy you for showing such self control over the situation. i wish i was that strong to turn the other cheek. if i was you i would just look at them as pathetic loosers that always make me feel better.

  6. It sounds as though you are working together, or at least for the same company based on the fact that this incident occurred during a meeting. In this case, I would definitely report to/confide in either a supervisor (if you have one in common, this would be best), or someone in the HR department. Set up a private meeting and calmly explain the exchange and why it made you upset/uncomfortable. Your confidante may or may not address the offenders, and perhaps you can request that they are not at this point, but you just wanted the incident to be noted for future reference. Perhaps rather than single them out, a reminder about professional conduct could be put on the agenda for the next meeting. However, if your confidante agrees that this behavior was unacceptable, you may lose anonymity, but the 2nd opinion will confirm that the offenders deserve to be reprimanded. Good luck!

  7. Think about it like this: The reason that you don't make a scene no matter how someone is, is because you would never want someone to do it to you.

    So, now that they've been rude and abused the privilege of you not getting angry, exact sweet cold revenge in whatever fashion you like. That will both make you feel better and teach them a lesson.

  8. I understand where ur comeing from but i think u should do whatever u feel would be best or wait untill u see them again and confront them about it. im a scarcastic person but im hardly ever rude unless my brothers make me mad. i get my scarcasim off of the CW series Supernatural lol Dean kinda rubbs off on ya after awhile lol i luv jensen and jared  but anyways if u feel it best to call their managers then go ahead but make sure ur doing the right thing.. as for getting it off of ur mind u can draw or put a picture of them up and throw darts at it lol or just relax and read a book... Well best of luck to you:))))♥

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