
Saudi Poll :?

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how does it make you feel that british and americans foreigns here get the cooler jobs and double salaries & highly respected ? how does it make you feel that they live in a componds where everything is available for them while we the citizens who are Arabs & Muslims (land of Mohommad) half of us 53% have rental houses ?




  1. That's the lamest thing I've ever heard... If you're a Saudi, you have got to be really stupid and lazy to not be able to make any money. Saudi's have one of the most advantages financially beneficial laws around. You can literally sit at home and sponsor businesses and make money. Saudi's get higher preference than other nationalities at jobs. But for that, you have got to work hard, get a descent degree and not simply fool around.

    The Westerners that come to Saudi to work are usually invited by Saudi companies. They're one of the best in their fields of work. They earn the money they get. Unlike most Saudis, who inherit it, then live a lavish life... then wonder where all the money went and have no idea what to do next!

    It's only because the Saudis cannot do any intelligent work that you need westerners to do them for you. And of course, they charge handsomely for the assistance. Just so, you need Asians to do your dirty laundry because Saudis hate to do that themselves.

    Who is really at fault here? Right now, Saudi's are one of the most hated people around. The day they run out of oil, they'll also be the most neglected people around.

  2. I think that's very bad!! May Allah help you and make things better for everyone there including all the Muslims.

  3. Excuse me, but the houses foreigners live in are also rented! They are not given to them......

    Also their salaries are higher, because -lets take the UK- their salaries at home are already higher than the ones in Saudi Arabia. So...if you dont offer an even higher salary, why would a family of 4 just relocate? Do you think it is so easy to take this step?

    I also do not feel that british and americans get the coolest jobs either!

  4. Its called racism... British and US citizens are masters at creating the illusion that they are better, and therefore worth more money. I work with many expats that companies bring in, and quite frankly, I'm not impressed by the majority of them.

  5. Westerners are better educated than Saudis... so they will get better packages.  Just learn your place in the world and that westerners rule the world... not the Saudis!  Come talk to the US when you run out of oil.. think we will have any need for you then?

  6. Well, obviously they are here for a reason ..They do the engineering of things and help construct ..They marvel at engineering ..Take a look at  there cities how well they are built and organized ,,Don't you want that for your country  ..Or else hire Chinese  ..They can do well at fraction of price ,,but not all discipline are mastered by Chinese  especially Engineering &manufacturing  ,,,Then there are so many companies in Saudi that have partnership with  western companies .Partnership means mixed employees ..Simple

  7. well the foreigners are coming here to buy a home.. they are here just temporary.. so obviously a rental home is what they require.. duh!.... lol

    Also I think these days people for some reason want rental property and not homes.. People are not settled.. As a whole the world over people dont just settle and sit still like they did a few years ago... The job market isnt stable, so they might have to up and move in 10years...

    but for the most part.. All my family members (saudi) are having homes, not renting...

  8. ......don't compare yourself to them dude.....they were hired because they were experts on their field of work....are you? lolz. maybe your just one of the guys smoking and drinking tea/coffee at work. It means they're the ones helping the company to generate profit. what help have you given? maybe you come late and leave early at work.....lolz
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