
Save the Indo-Chinese Tigers? Thailand?

by Guest32965  |  earlier

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ugh, i, trying to find a good charity that helps save the Tigers and give them a good life, hopefully in Thailand, I heard of Tiger Temple&thought "great" but then i saw videos of the place where the cages are grotty &tiny (despite having a huge tourist income, which i know will be used for tiger island but i dont know if they will just get put in grotty cages there too)& I read an account of someone volunteered there that said, "I volunteered at the tiger temple. The tigers are beaten with sticks rocks and lead buckles. Theyare not drugged but they are BEATEN!!!! Don't support this place. They will be better of somewhere else." Even seeing them in cages were depressing, do I really want to support that? i dont know who to believe re: charities and whether they are good and will use your money appropriately. Does anyone have any ideas where i donate to help save the tigers in Thailand?? I'm not sure "saving" tigers by forcing them to live in tiny rusty cages to be beaten is good.




  1. The best wildlife organization in the world.

  2. These guys wrk at it and have a tiger specific program.  They get a lot of funding from major corporations for their activities.

    The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

    Save the Tiger fund

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