
Saving answers?

by  |  earlier

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How do I save answers to my questions? I really don't want to save the whole page, and having them e-mailed is clogging my inbox! I tried copy & paste, but that doesn't work. It's probably detailed here somwhere, but I can't find it!




  1. You don't have to save it in your yahoo mail.  If you notice up top to the right, it has (My Q&A)  once you hit that it will take you to your questions and answer page where all of it are!  I delete all my messages and just go to yahooanswers and find previous ones already there!

    **I was talking about deleting the ones in my inbox.  If there's something you need to save, have you tried to copy and paste to a new file/folder in your computer?  I'm no wiz so I can't give u anymore info on this...sorry. ;(

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