
Scab on my face. Need help?

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Ok so i had a pimple on my face and i popped it so then i got a scab, then being even more stupid me i peeled it. And now i have like a little indent in my face and there is like no scab healing over it again. So my question is what do i do. And will it ever go back to my normal skin or am i screwed? HELP please.

Ps. I know im stupid for doing that to my skin, lesson learned.




  1. only time will tell. keep something like neosporin on it not for the anibiotic properties but to keep it moist, you can also buy special scar reducing creams at the drug store. young skin is very resiliant so your probably going to be fine

  2. Sounds like you've got a scar. Scars do not go away, but in a week or two it will be faded and not very noticeable. The more time that goes by, the less noticeable it will be. Also, if you're really bothered by it, there are tons of scar creams available.

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