
Scans while on clomid and periods?

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im on my first round of clomid and went for my day 12 scan on monday which showed i probably wont ovulate as there were no follicles and the linging of my womb was 20mm thick, also i had a cyst that was bigger than it was on the last scan.They want me to go back tomorrow for another scan so they can keep an eye on the cysts but the only thing is i started my period today(so the clomid obviously didnt work) and im quite heavy, was just wondering if they will still be able to do the scan or not due to me being on my period?? i will ring them in the morning and ask them but the scan is at 9am and we have to travel to the hospital which takes 45 minutes and i am not sure what time they open there department and i dont want it to be a wasted journey!! any advice would be great, thanks!




  1. I am sorry that this cycle didn't work out for you but next cycle they will probably increase the dose and continue this until they find a suitable dose for you.  Bleeding will not affect the scan in the slightest, they will do a vaginal scan in order to see your ovaries properly and this will then allow then to monitor the cyst and make their necessary measurements.  If you are not happy about being scanned whilst you are bleeding am sure if you explain to them they will arrange it for another day and see your specialist about the bleeding and see if you should still take the chlomid on the days specified in previous appointments and discuss the dose if it is to be changed.

    Remember this is your first round so dint be dis-hearted.  I had 5 rounds, 4 with ovulation and 1 without and I am now 27 weeks pregnant after trying for 2 and a half years.  To me this is a wonder drug.  Also some advice you should try using clearblue ovulation predictors once the correct dose is found, i tried this for 1 cycle and I am sure this is what allowed us to time intercourse exactly and allowed us to get pregnant.

    Any questions that you have with chlomid you can ask me and I would be delighted to help!!!

  2. Don't know if this helps, by my local hospital lab department opens at 7am. Call the main 24-hour switchboard and ask when they open. They should know the times for each department.

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