
Scared... Cabo San Lucas!?

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Ok, so we are going to Cabo for a week and i am really concerned because i do not want to get sick or lose weight!

we cant eat certain things there but i am scared because we cant drink the water or have fruit or raw things ONLY the cooked food.. but is that enough? will we be okay if we only eat that .. and have 2 pepto bismals 4 times a day?


we dont want to get montezumas revenge!






  1. Oh boy! you are really scared.

    First of all, water is water, purified is purified, mexican vs. american...b.s. it's the same.

    It's more chances to get seek because pepto overdoses, than because the water or the food down here.


    Just stay away from the tap water, not because you can get seek, but because has a lot of chlorine and do not taste good, but do not worry to use it to brush your teeth, it's fine.

    Most all 5 star Resorts have their own purification plant, so that's not even an isue.

    Avoid raw seafood, here and everywhere, and wash your hands before eating.

    Salads are great down here, and all the restaurants must fullfill sanitary rules to stay in business.

    Enjoy Cabo

  2. Try not to eat fresh meet. The meat there is not processed so its delicious but our bodies aren't used to it. Stay away from hamburgers. The water issue isn't a big deal. And pepto bismal doesn't work. Take Imodium AD that works much better.

  3. you can eat anything in most places.  Bottled water is everywhere.  Most places filter the water for ice.

    If you avoid tap water and any place that is not around downtown,  you should be fine.

  4. water in baja is fine, it's the mainland u gotta worry about.  u'll luv baja, just keep urself in check, MEXICAN JAILS, not fun places.  seafood there is great.... enjoy ur trip

  5. Calm down. Why do you feel the need to take THAT many peptos?? That's just stupid. Don't do that.

    Just drink American bottled water (they sell it there), and you'll be fine. Don't drink fountain sodas- it will contain Mexican water.

    Cabo is a very tourist-friendly place- if THAT many people got sick, they wouldn't be so popular. You will be fine.

  6. OK first off you are going to a world class resort town - there are 5 star luxury resorts where they serve EXCELLENT brunches, outstanding restaurants all over.  You are not going to a bumf**** town in Mexico.  You can drink the BOTTLED water they serve you - there is nothing wrong with the food in Mexico...They even import their ice!  You will be fine!  

    I have been to Cabo, Cancun, Los Algodones, Tijuana, Playa Del Carmen and Isla Mujeres - you will be fine...

    Now you can go thank the person that freaked you out for no good reason. you will be fine!  

    P.S. DONT take so many pepto's in one day - if you need them, they won't be near as effective.

  7. Hola!  I have discovered the cure for getting montezumas revenge for tourists here in Cabo.  Its really quite simple.  Eat a yogurt everyday.  The good bacteria in the yogurt battles the bad bacterias you will unfortunately pick up when just doing the normal stuff - eating, drinking, touching things, swimming in the ocean, breathing the air, etc.  Seriously.  I have tested many o friend on this theory and it works!  

    Mind you, changes to your diet and lifestyle can also bring on montezumas.  Baking in the sun all day and getting sunburnt/heatstroke, drinking copious amounts of booze, eating strange spicy foods...that can also bring it on.  Use your discretion!!

    I drink water from the tap here and brush my teeth with it, so I know its not the water...however I don't recommend this during our rain season, or if you haven't been vaccinated for Hep A.

    Don't worry so much and go and have a great vacation!

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