
Scared of rollercoasters?

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Im scared of all rollercoasters, even the not so big ones, and its really embarassing when all of my friends go on and try to convince me to go on, but i always say no and come up with an excuse, and they call me a p***y lol..I want to go on but im just scared of big drops and going upside down. Are they really that bad?




  1. no its just that they look scary so if u can try to get over ur  fear of the smaller ones than just make ur way up to bigger ones. u just have to have enough curage to go on bigger ones! good luck! :D

  2. No they're fun

  3. no....they are really fun!

  4. it's really not that bad. i used to be soooo scared to get on a roller coaster, and my friend actually dragged me on the one of those looped ones, and i absolutely loved it!

  5. Hey I don't blame you- roller coasters freak me out too. Personnally, I like dips. They feel like all your organs get jammed up in your throat. I'm honestly not sure about flips and stuff. But if you're with your friends you should go, because they're some of the most compassionate people you'll ever meet. Plus, you never know if you like 'em unless you try!

  6. If you are afraid of heights than they can be, but they look really scary, but after you ride it then you will probably want to ride it again.

  7. You have a better chance of being killed on your way to a rooler coaster than riding one.  You should have trust in todays modern technology.  It helps if you close your eyes and sing a song in your head.  Also don't let everyone screaming freak you out.  Then you can enjoy the ride.

  8. haha...first time i ever found anyone who feels like me!!! im dead scared of them, and ya, my friends bug me too...

    the longer you put it off the worse it gets, the drops last for all of 5 seconds each max. although they suck, if you face it things should get better, or  at least you get used to them.

    just try not to wrry too much about them, if you spend your time dreading those 5 sec. you miss out on the fun of the rest of the ride.

    maybe try to make a comprimise with your friends, going on the rollarcoasters with less drops or better yet, maybe your friends can go in two groups, when one group goes on the rollercoaster, tag along with the other group for a different ride, and then switch back when they do the rollercoaster...

    hope this helps! good luck!!

  9. Roller Coasters are amazing.  They are so much fun.  Big drops just make you feel weightless adn going upside down at the right speed crushes you to the seat and it is not bad at all.  I am a roller coaster fanatic, but they truely are not dangerous.  My dad's afraid of heights and I made him go on Kingda Ka and he liked it.(He was not happy waiting for the ride to launch though)

  10. i don't like them either.p***y's united!what kind of friends are they that their mean because of that?

  11. I completely relate... i love coasters, but sometimes i just get freaked out.

    all u really need to do is start off with the small coasters so u get used to them, n don't sit on the edge seats on ur first rides.. it's scary

    it's really fun when u try out the small coasters first.. u'll naturally want to try the larger ones also most likely, n when u do, try one large rollercoaster, but don't sit on the edge seat

    u really don't kno if ur scared of something or not until u actually try it..

    once u ride a couple, rollercoasters seem so much fun!

    have fun! :)

    *if u feel scared, just close ur eyes.. doesn't take away the fun, actually makes u less dizzy!

  12. haha noo its not bad at all there actually amazingly fun!!! the first time i went on one was about 2 yrs ago and i loved it. i still get scared everytime im sitting in it b4 i go, but once i start going it is the most amazing feeling ever. you really gotta do it at least once.

  13. Dont worry!! It'll be fine! Take deep breaths while you are in line, and getting strapped in. Then, when you are going up the hill, just say to your self, "Its okay, its okay, its not going to kill you, its just a silly little ride, its really short!" or something like that. Then, once you go down the hill, your mind might just go blank! Thats what mine does, hahahahaa. My mind will be racing when we are going up a hill, and then, once we drop, my mind just doesnt do anything, I dont even scream!! My friends think I'm weird ! Haaaaaa. Hope I helped! :D

  14. Let me tell you man that after you do it once, the other times will seem like a walk in the park. The first ride is always the scariest but once its over with, you will start loving the thrill of roller coasters.

    I suggest you try one out and after that see if you can continue or not

  15. OK i used to have the SAME EXACT problem all you have to do is FORCE yourself to go on one and i sware you will love them from then on. THEY are fun NOT scary at alll DEFFFF do it :)(: hope that helps :)(:

  16. I felt like that too, I was scared of those roller coasters, but one day, I made my mind went to not so big roller coaster and when it started, I was like dying and in the drop, I just started to scream like the other ones there and now I'd like to ride another.

    You should try it, just think nothing would happen and go on.

    Good luck!

  17. i will go on any rollercoaster that doesn't go upside down! lol big drops aren't THAT bad. i always get really nervous before i go on a rollercoaster but then once it's over i just want to go back haha. just go for it. but i don't blame you for not wanting to go upside down!

  18. NO, THEY ARE FUN!!!!!!! :D WOOH!!!!

    Just try to confront your fear. Nothing bad will happen. The most that could happen is that someone would puke lol jk .

  19. I WENT On one for the first time to. my friends forced me, but still.. ahah i went. i calmed down, and held hands with my friends. sit into the middle. not the front back, or sides. its alot of fun.! just relax and breath. its over before you know it. the drops arent that bad. & u cant tell that ur upside down!

    have fun!

  20. Just force yourself to go on something small. Force yourself. Trust me, I know from experience, and once you have been on a small ride, work bigger and bigger at your own pace. It often helps to go with a good friend.

    You don't think about whats going on when you are on it.

  21. no they are not but what difference are these answers going to make?

    trust me its just the drop and the screams taht freak you out

    theres nothing scary about them

    its so fun though caquse you go fast

  22. not at all. sure, there high, and they look scary when you're looking from the ground, but seriously, the rides are only for a minute. and it just happens so fast, and when you come off of it, you're either in a daze or you're laughing your head off. but if you really are that uncomfortable, then just say you don't want to.

  23. Don't worry about it! Me and my friend are both scared of big roller coasters so we find other rides. Just find a friend or someone new who doesn't like big roller coasters either

  24. My fiance has this same fear. I love roller coasters and he is petrified of them. Just make yourself ride one. You will see how easy it is to ride and fun! There are a couple of rides I stay away from. I don't like the ones that take you straight up and drop you. Whoever thinks that's fun is a freak! lol. Anyways, just ride one. Don't psyche yourself out while you're waiting in line. Occupy yourself by talking to your friends about anything other than the ride while waiting in line. Have fun!

  25. ah i hate them too!

  26. No,you just have to think of a relaxing song while doing them.

  27. NO..... THERE FUN!!!!!!THERE NOT THAT BAD!!!just face ur fears.

  28. I have the same problem. First i would just practice on the small ones, just to get used to them. Then gradually go up to the bigger ones. It does help. Good luck!

  29. i was afraid, too. close ur eyes the first time, and get used to the motion, then, when ur ready, open them.

    it works like a charm.

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