
Scarlett vs Lila????

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Which girl name do you like better? And why?




  1. Like both. I know what it says, but Lila seems a strange spelling.

  2. Lila

  3. Lila because its very sweet and peaceful

  4. I love the name Scarlett. It is so pretty.

    and how do you plan on pronouncing Lila? "Lay-la" or "Lie-La"?

    I like the name Layla, but Lila is a bit too strange for me.  

  5. Scarlett

    Scarlet is a red colour and red is bold. so yeah


  6. Definitely Lila. My little sister's name is Lily but I've always preferred Lila and would love to call my child that one day.

    My brother had a friend in school called Scarlett and she was one of the most unlcky people you could ever meet when it came to health. First she got Glandular Fever, then Scarlett Fever- Ironic as that is her name :P- and just when she was getting over all of that she got TB. Ever since then I have not been able to like the name Scarlett.

    But in the end. it's up to you, so good luck.

    Could you answer my question please?;...

  7. I like both, but I would go with Scarlett because it's more interesting and less common.

  8. lila is very pretty name =]

    scarlett reminds me of that game scarlett...=]

  9. I like both of them. Scarlett is more classic and would probably be a more suitable name as an adult. Lila is cute and playful and is the perfect name for a little girl. Overall, Scarlett is more timeless and beautiful.

  10. I personally prefer Lila. I have a problem with the name Scarlett, all I think about are nasty scars. I think Lila is classic and beautiful. Sorry but I just can't get into Scarlett.  

  11. lila. its fun to say.

  12. I like Scarlett better.

  13. Scarlett :)

    It's pretty, yet different.

  14. i really like both names. they are very pretty. i will go with lila though. it sounds more free spirited and fun to me.

  15. they're really nice names but lila is such a little girl type of name scarlett is more mature and would even be nice when shes a little kid so i would say scarlett

  16. Lila.. Seems to fit in more now a days..

    I don't like Scarlett at all. I don't even like the actress with the same name.
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