
Scary dream of burning my dog???

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I had a dream about 2 nights ago that i burned my dog.

I went outside with some kind of lighter and i went to my dog. I put the lighter to the left side of my dogs face and started burning her face...but she didn't cry or yelp. I felt angry b/c she wasn't in pain, so i put the lighter closer to her skin, and her facial skin started burning and turning black, and I remember her crying, and then i felt happy b/c she was in pain......

and then i stopped burning her b/c i saw these two huge surgery scars on her back. one was on her left shoulder and one was on the right, near her stomach and ribs. i remember concentrating on the left scar...and another thing i remember is, when i saw the scars, her whole back just turned bald.

what does this dream mean? i would NEVER hurt my dog like tat and it scares me that i would even dream of this.

plz interpret!




  1. I think this is displaced anger.  Have you ever heard the "story" of the boss who yelled at the employee... the this guy goes home and  yells at his wife, and his wife gets mad and sends their little boy to his room for time out.  The little boy doesn't have anyone smaller than him to pick on, so he kicks the dog.

    I think sometimes when people are angry, they do lash out at people who are weaker than they are, or on something more helpless than they are, like a pet.  

    Because YOU would NEVER do this in real life, maybe you did it in the dream instead.  But displaced anger doesn't help, even in a dream.  Did you start feeling sorry for your dog when you saw the scars?  And now you feel horrid for even dreaming you would do that.

    Figure out who you are angry with, or what is frustrating you.  Maybe you think there is nothing you can do about that.  I don't know.  If it is something you can discuss with your parents, or another wise adult, they might can give you some help or advice.  No matter what, you can pray and ask God to help you in the situation, and help you deal with your anger.  He is very good at that, when we ask Him.  Tell Him ALL about it.  He will listen.  You can tell Him ALL the ickiest details.  Also, spend some time petting your dog.  Pets can be such a great comfort when we need them.

    God bless you,


  2. lol

  3. I'm no dream interpreteur, but I think something has brought you down emotionally and you are releasing all that bad karma in your dream by the burning your dog, then when you wake up, you feel so relieved that it was just a dream. A second cause maybe that you take your dog for granted and after waking up to such a nightmare, you will look at your dog more like a "Thank goodness you are alive!" you see what I'm saying?


  4. Check that out with a professional GF... not on an open forum.

  5. Were you in a recent break-up? Were you "burned" by a guy?

    I get the feeling this dream is connected with your love life or lack of. No, you would never hurt your dog, so don't be afraid of this dream.

  6. Ok, I think I have successfully interpreted your dream! You can trust me with this because I have extensively studied the subject, and read many books on the subject. Here's my best shot:

    I don't know if this is correct. If you've been in a relationship recently, I suggest you take a close look at this. If not, maybe tweak my idea a little. I think the dog represents you. It's a personal pet and in dreams, pets or other things you savor often represent yourself. Basically, you're trying to burn away the memory of this relationship. There are two scars on the dog, or you. The one near her ribs probably represents your heart. The scar is where your heart was once broken in a relationship. The left scar is on your shoulder, and you're concentrating on that one. That's because you don't want to look at the scar that's been left on your heart. You're giving that relationship the cold shoulder. All's you want is to pack the memory away for good; burn it even! But this won't work. Your subconcious is bothered by the memories. You need to confront it, whether physically or mentally. Let yourself cry a little if need be. Good luck and I hope this helps!

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