
School And Sick????????????????

by Guest62403  |  earlier

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Ok on thursday i started to have some diarrhea and stayed home from school i had this problem on fri sat and some of sunday and i am still kinda having this issue and i have missed 2 days so far and don't want to go for 3 but i am thinking i caught a stomach bug and want to go to the doctor. Now i have a history with my school last year i had broken some bones causing me to miss some school like 11 days (due to having to go to a bone doc on a regular occasion). So what should i do? Go to the doc or go to school?

Other info i have such bad diarrhea at times (it is not as frequent as it was on thurs) that i cannot always make it to the bathroom. I am in my second year of high school.





  1. i believe go to the doctor as your health is more important than school

    good luck ad i hope you ae fine!!

  2. If I were you I would go to the doctor, at least that way they can tell you if you have got a bug.

    I don't like to miss to much of school either if I can help it, you can always catch up on the work you have missed.  

  3. Don't go back to school - imagine how embarassing it would be if you couldn't make it to the bathroom

    Go and see a doctor, and take some tablets to help with the diarrhea if you have them (make sure they are ok for you to take first, obviously).

    hope that helps!


    help with mine plz?;...

  4. I would say go to the doctor. Its a lot easier than going to school for a whole day and having to keep rushing to the bathroom every time. Don't worry about your history with the school. You are really sick, and they would be more understanding that you went to the doctor and taken a few days off rather than going to school. Don't worry, they can't be angry at you because you went to the doctor when you were sick. Its not like you are faking it.

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