
School Lunches are outrageous!

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How can this even be possible? The school Lunches in mostly every school in America is unhealhty, and just plain gross sometimes, dripping grease, opened milks, and hair in salads. This is just disgusting how do parents even allow kids to eat this lunch that is not even suitable for out kids? But Parents arent the ones sufforing. Many kids have gotten sick, and upchucked the lunches minutes after devouring them. If we knew the lunches were gonna be this bad almost everybody in the school board would have been bringing their own lunches. This is not fair the worst part is that is kids dont even get a say in this! We are the ones that they are serving the lunches to, if they dont listen to us then why should we listen to them sometimes? How in the worlds should we stand up with this? At least cleaner foods like fruits and veggies pasta and pizza that is not dripping with grease.




  1. I agree most school lunches tend to be disgusting but I don't eat their lunches, I eat when I get home. Fruits and healthy stuff. Kids should bring their own healthier lunches. Our student council has tried to get healthier lunches and it didn't make much of an effect on the school.. but our school also offers subs and salads so it's almost our choice to eat the nasty greasy c**p or the healthy entrees

  2. i completely agree. and now everybodys complaining about overwieght kids!!!! when its half there fault!!! people should open there eyes and c the gross-ness they let us eat

  3. lol yah last year in my school year,there were days where the school food was disgusting,dripping with grease,infested with hair and just made me wanna puke.

  4. Well, in my school while there is the dripping greasy pizza, there is also different healthy options like sandwiches (which you can put anything on: lunch meats, condiments, and toppings like pickles, olives, etc.) and salads (though most of the school still opts for the greasy pizza, which I don't understand why).

    If your child's school doesn't already do this, depending on what grade they're in (I'm in high school, junior), parents could all sign a letter suggesting it so that there are healthier choices.

  5. At my old high school (I'm about to be starting college soon), they had "healthier" lunches- pizza with wheat crusts, and fruits and veggies, but the pizzas were still greasy and students didn't get any fruits or veggies and they didn't make them.

    Just wait until you get to college, nothing's healthy there!

  6.   HALILUYAH!!

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