
School Rules?!?

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At our school they have made some outrageous rules. I am a senior and they treat us like we are still underclassmen. That however is not my point at all. This morning I needed to go to the bathroom because my hands were a little sticky because of the cinnamon roll that I ate. So, I go to the bathroom, I didn't think anything about using the bathroom just washing my hands. I get back in the lunch room and 20 minutes later I have to pee. So, I start to walk out and a teacher says to me: You get back in here you already went once. I thought okay I am not going to say anything. When I sat down at my table it started making me mad so I go over to the principal and tell him what happened. He says: Well, thats what the hand santitizer is for so you all won't be going to the bathroom.

I honestly want something to be done cause this is crazy we cannot go to the bathroom in class and the principals and need to see how it feels how do I do this without sounding crazy.




  1. When I was growing up, we NEVER had the right to leave class without permission, even to go to the bathroom.

    This is something that has been going on for decades. The principal will not see it from your point of view. They don't care whether you are a senior or not, you are seen as a student, a child, who needs to be monitored. Going to the bathroom whenever you want is not seen as a right. Where I live, 18yo's are adults yet they STILL have to obey these school rules. It's part of how the system is. It's not right, it's unfair, but that's how it is.

    Do see it for a second, though, from their point of view: a lot of trouble happens during school hours because of what kids are doing in the bathroom--making a mess, smoking, doing drugs, even making out and having s*x. They need to be preventative.

    You could try homeschooling. :)

  2. try a petition or get the parent groups involved. Or maybe you could go higher than the principal.

    and yes, that is a retarded rule. My school's fond of those too. Ususally if you tell them the truth and stop to explain, they're sympathetic.

  3. We have strict rules at my school too.

    Like...we can only use the 'restroom' pass once every six weeks.

    Or some teachers don't let us go at all.

    It is really retarded. It's not like if we can control when we have to pee or whatever.

    i hate it.

    Yeah. Start a petition or something.

    Hope you figure out something. Good luck.

  4. This doesn't really sound like a home schooling project......

    However, if you are a senior, perhaps you could negotiate with the principal and those teachers who have senior classes, and allow students to go to the bathroom without asking permission. You are, by this time, young adults and surely can be trusted to do something as simple as going to the bathroom quietly and unobtrusively and not abusing the privilege. After all, the teachers don't have to ask permission before they leave the classroom.......

  5. That is a common policy.

    Not letting a child (sorry, you are still a child) go to the bathroom when they need to go to the bathroom, is in my mind, abusive behavior.

    A while back I found a petition signed by a whole bunch of pediatricians who took the same position - that the draconian bathroom rules in public schools was no less than emotional / physical abuse and potentially physically harmful to children.

    I'll try to find it again.

  6. try a petotion

  7. That's one reason we homeschool (you posted this in the homeshcooling category!).  There are so many idiotic rules in school - all to control "the masses".

  8. Try talking to the principle, but make sure you're calm and reasonable. Also, you have only 8 months of high school left...don't let them ruin it for you!!


  9. that`s nothing.. :)) believe me.. we have much more restrictive rules.. so you should believe as a lucky person :P

  10. That's one of the reason homeschool is so popular.  It's not a prison.
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