
School Sportshall is blocking light!?

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A school sports hall is blocking light in our back garden how would we remove it, its been there at least 5-6 years now and i just hate it! What about posting a bomb threat or something!!!




  1. there is not really much you can do Jordan, i know it must get really annoying that you can't enjoy the sun while it lasts and sunbathe in the summer


    i think it is to late now because the construction was started before 5-6 years ago, it was actually 8 years ago when we were in year 2, like letters are sent round to local residents and they approve or disapprove of the building, if your parents disapproved then they would be able to write a letter to the council

    but because it has been so many years i highly doubt there is no chance of having it moved or removed as technically it is not physically affecting your garden, if it was physically defecting or damaging your garden then you would have a much better chance of approval

    all the best


  2. I doubt anything would happen but you could make a formal complaint to the council about it.

  3. Only one answer: buy it.

  4. did it take you this long to get angry about this? boy have you got a long fuse.

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