
School grades?

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if someone does bad in school, getting bad grades, does it necessarily mean they are dumb? not even talking about being lazy, i mean someone who tried their you believe that a smart person can actually freak out during test taking and end up getting bad grades in school?...does grades prove anything about the intelligence of a person?




  1. no just because someone gets bad grades doesn't mean they are dumb...lots of people can try really hard and not get good grades but that doesnt' mean they are dumb...i actually consider them really smart because at least they had the thought of actually trying. i think that is what colleges and universities should look at not the person's grades.

  2. Not at all some people learn different ways and respond different.There also may be a learning disablity or issue. soem people just have really bad nerves around test time. i dotn feel grades prove the intelligence of someone because just because they may not learn through book work and testing..doesn't mean that they aren't as smart as anyone else.They just have a different learning style.

  3. does depend on the curriculum and the teacher as well. But a class spans such a long time that it seems if you knew that subject that well you'd do well on AP tests or subject tests though.

    But I can also see how some smart people have a real mental block in some subjects.
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