
School help too many absents?

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what can happen to me if following happens? a student may be referred to Family Court by the assistant director of Pupil Personnel and may be subject to legal action if absences continue to accumulate




  1. at my skool if we miss to many day we have to get on T.I.P. [[truancy intervention program]]

  2. I suppose if your parents are convicted of failing to prevent truancy of a minor, they will go to jail and you will go to a group home or foster home until they get out.

    Now if you have legitimate reasons for non-attendance, then your parents should reveal them to the school system.

  3. It really depends on the rules for absences set forth by your school district.  In some school districts your parents can actually be put in jail for not making sure you are in school and you would be placed in foster care.  Alternatively, you could be placed in a juvenile facility where you would have no option about going to school.

    What is so horrible about school that you don't go?  I hope you understand that the choices, both good and bad, you are making now will impact the rest of your life.  By not getting a high school diploma you limit your choices for jobs.  If you go on and get an associate degree, you have even more job opportunities, just like a bachelor's degree will offer you even more job choices and opportunities.  

    What do you want to do for the rest of your life and what are you doing to achieve those goals?

  4. In my state, parents and guardians have been sentenced to jail time for not ensuring their student is in school.

  5. The legal answers are correct but you may have some other options.  Some schools offer make up days after school on weekdays and Saturday school to make up those unexcused absences.  Check with your counselor.

    Also, if there is a medical or psychological reason for not attending, a doctor's letter explaining could help.

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