
School over gaming?

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I need help making school my priority.. I don't know what to do, I work on school at night, cause I can concentrate more, and it's less loud, because during the day, my mom is home, and around 2:45 annoying brother and sister get home, I just don't know what to do... During the morning, I try to get on school, and just get bored and go do something else.. Like play a game or something.. (Games ruin lives!!) haha.. if only they never invented them... (I am homeschooled have been since 3rd grade..) and can't really go to public school, and my parents are real strict, only can't get my license until I get done with school.. which I want.. but not that bad since I can't get it until June anyways.... I just need some tips on helping be able to concentrate.

Thanks in advance please no rude comments.




  1. Ask your parents to be stricter and help you set up rules for yourself so that you get your schooling done BEFORE you play games.

    Also, it sounds like you need to learn to accept boredom. Everybody gets bored; those who succeed keep going despite the boredom. Set some rules for yourself if you can't do it with your parents and just make yourself continue despite the boredom. It's a huge mistake to think that boredom means stopping!

    Think about it a little further: what are you doing but engaging in an, albeit small, addiction? You don't like how you feel (bored) so you find something to make you feel better, something that negatively affects your life (games). It's different to take a break and play a few games, but to avoid those feelings altogether to feel good shows a lack of ability to deal with feelings. Just work on accepting the feelings and keep going; you'll grow in emotional intelligence!

  2. It's all about staying on schedule.  Make a list of things you need to get done for the day AND FALLOW IT.  If games are really getting in the way then maybe you should ask your parents to put the them somewhere you can't to get them or even set goals for yourself and have playing games be your reward for finishing your work.  You know what your problem is, now you just need to stay motivated and do what need to be done.  Remember, your education will last forever and take you where you want to go in life.  Good luck!
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