
School problems becuz im bi...?

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i'm a girl 14 and bi.

going into 8th grade on sept 10th.

last year in 7th grade people found out I was bi and everyone was making fun of me. i'd walk down the hall and people would push me and say l***o or q***r b*g. and it was a awful year.

and over the summer I see it still hasnt died down becuz i look at all the kids from my schools myspace pages and it says stuff about me and all.

I am fine with myself being bi. But I dont wanna be open with everyone at school about it becuz they just go out and hurt my feelings. and I'd tell the school but they are not the type of staff that can be trusted they would be just as bad as the students. I dont show the kids it hurts me when they make fun of me. when people ask me if im bi i just deny it. but everyone still keeps talking about it and I hate coming home crying everyday. the one time I even tried to run away.

what can i do to get this all to go away I cant take it anymore? or at least help me stop them from making fun of me?




  1. You will probably always feel awkward at school, but it will most likely get better eventually. However, when you get out into the real world people really won't care as much. I mean if i was going out with a girl and knew she was bi I would think it was pretty cool.  

  2. just shove it in there faces be like yea im bi and if u got a problem with that get the f**** out of my way before i kiss u lol and i think the reason y they make fun of u is becuase there probably jealous there probably in the closet thinkin sh*** i wish i had the balls to do thatwell i hope i helped and im 14 and les  except going into the 9th grade if u ever need to talk im here =]

  3. Babe, you can't make anything like this just go away. Denying it will also make it worse for you. People will be people. If there is something to be made fun of, they'll seize the opportunity. I'd say, ride it out. Don't let anyone hurt you physically. You said they found out, you didn't tell them? How then, did they find out? It's a new year. I can't say it'l be better, but it'll be different. s***w them. Let them say what they want to say. Be strong, okay? Find someone to talk to about it who you can trust. Watch movies, read books, do activities. Anything that will take your mind off of it so you don't harp on it and make yourself feel worse. If you want, you can email me. Good luck to you.

  4. As Sweetheart said, things like this won't go away. If they ever do, it's usually just because the initial attack has faded and people are getting tired of harping about it.

    The thing is, it sounds like you are in a community where homophobia runs rampant. These are the kind of people that are taught that being homosexual is bad, or a "sin" in religious groups. They aren't the types that are going to go "Oh gee, now that you've explained it to me, I'm not going to tease you."

    They will fight with every last bit of breath in them to try and make sure that the teachings that they were given are the ones that stand strong. They don't want to change. They are too busy pussyfooting around, and don't want to deal with the insecurities that are going to show themselves by suddenly realizing that you don't fit into their perfect little mould that they've made of everyone.

    Don't let them push you around. I don't mean slug them in the face or anything, but you do need to stand up for yourself. Be proud that you are who you are. I know it sounds lame and overdone, but it really is just their own insecurities that are making them do this to you. They can't wrap it around their tiny little brains. They're going to treat you differently. But they are the ones that are going to be in for a rude awakening when they move away from home and get a job where their boss just happens to be outwardly g*y. They'll soon see that they can't get away with treating people like that when their livelihood is at stake.

    The only way that you're going to get them to stop is actually to make SURE that everyone knows that you're bi.

    Here's some possible ideas that you could try.

    1) When somebody pushes you in the hallway, yell at the top of your voice. "OH MY GOD! YOU'RE GETTING YOUR HOMOPHOBIA ALL OVER ME! HELP! SOMEBODY! I'M GOING TO TURN STRAIGHT!" Public embarrassment is a sure-fire way to get people to stop teasing you. They are only doing it because of the fact that they think that nobody can see, and they aren't going to get into trouble. This may work even better when a teacher is around.

    2) When any of the girls make a reference to you being g*y, say something along the lines of... "You know, that's the millionth time you've pointed that out. Is this your way of asking me on a date?"

    3) "Yes, I like girls. Wow. Oh my god. How long did it take you to figure that out? Bit slow there, aren't you? Seriously, you don't need to point it out every time you see me. I think everyone has figured it out by now."

    4) "Guys, I hate to tell you this, but I DO know that I'm bi. I promise I won't forget. I don't have short term memory loss. So you can stop pointing it out."

    5) Another technique is simply to just hit on them whenever they point it out. However, this must be used with caution, as some people have been known to be the victims of a schoolyard attack. It usually happens with homosexual males more often than it does with females though.

    The main thing to remember is that they will probably try and turn the tables on you by laughing at whatever you're doing, and talking behind your back some more.

    For instance, if you tried technique number one and they started laughing AT you, then just smile and stare at the main perpetrator of the attack quite intently. Don't back down, and don't say a single thing. Just stop and stare at them until they feel uncomfortable and have to back down themselves. It may recieve more nervous laughter.

    Perhaps you could also try taking self defence classes. In my personal opinion, people are far less likely to want to pick on you if they know that you have been undertaking martial arts training.

    Well, my answer as been long enough for now, but you are more than welcome to contact me if you need my help with anything further. Most of this stuff comes from my personal experiences, as I too have had many problems with people accusing me of being g*y. I made the mistake of denying it and telling everyone that I was straight as well, when I actually swing both ways.

    Don't walk with your head down, chica. Keep it up, and stare them in the eye as you walk past. They are like birds, and will want to swoop you when you aren't looking so that they can do the most damage and get away unscathed. And their friends are like the jackals that come in to pick at whatever is left over and take you down when you're weak.

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