
School rights? WHAT ARE THEY?

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What can and can't teachers do in lessons..

Because some teachers in my school hit/say things to us for a 'joke' in a friendly way, but when we do that to them they get us in trouble..

Also what rights do students have in school?

Because everybody is entitled to freedom of speech, but when we tell the teacher that 'nobody likes them and they're the most hated teacher in the school' they AGAIN get us in trouble, but it ok for them to say things like that to us..

And if we take it further to the head teacher, she tells us that she will do something about it but she doesn't.. ?




  1. There are quite a number of "rights" but each one also comes with "responsibilites".

    Attitude is a major one. You have the right to be respected AND you also have the responsibilty to respect others (including teachers).

    If you feel that strongly about a teacher and you do not think the Head will act on you complaints, get a parent  (or  a few parents) to complain either:

    1 to the head

    2. failing this the the L.E.A.

    But remember that such a complaint will affect YOU as well.

    If you move to another school, you might start off with a clean slate, but will you then complain about another teacher.

    We had a student at my college who complained that all the teachers were "c**p" and were failing her. We subsequently found out that FOUR other schools were also complained about as well as two other colleges by this same student.

  2. Well, if you REALLY wanna know.

    Every state has a REALLY, REALLY, REALLY THICK book of statutes and codes that govern the sphere of education. Here in CA, it is affectionately called the "Ed Code," and there is more in there than any principal/administrator could possibly ever use or memorize.

    Luckily we have the web.

    So, IF you really feel like searching for the Education Code in your state go here:


    1. Click on your state

    2. A new smaller window will open up- click on a blue button along the bottom labeled "Name of State Law"

    3. Check the little white box next to "Education Code"

    4. Click on serch

    5. Bam! You have the entire thing in your hand

    Now comes the search for the relevant parts...I leave that in your capable hands.

    Although, it seems that what you have is a simple issue of mutual disrespect. I would talk to the principal or dean and give them concrete feedback on what your teacher is saying.

    Good luck!

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