
School <span title="Supplies.....................?">Supplies....................</span>

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I was wondering what i need for high school since they dont give out lists of stuff to buy. can you please tell me what i might need.




  1. Get a coupleof notebooks for now.  They will tell you in your classes what you will need.

  2. A Binder, Paper, Some Spiral Notebooks, Pens, Pencils, A Graphing Calculator.

    Those are essential.

  3. Binder for every class, spiral notebook, pencils, and if the teacher wants you to buy anything else than they will tell you the first day.

  4. You need the normal supplies!!! but on the first day of school the teachers usually tell you what you need for their class! I usually buy notebook for every class and a few pencils and pens to bring to the first day of school but nothing to much.

  5. high school they normally on the first day the teachers tell you what you will need but for the first day just take a notebook and pens...

  6. Your teachers will tell you what you need specifically for their class. Be sure to bring a notebook, book bag, and something to write with on the first day. You won&#039;t need much else, so long as the weather is nice.

  7. Well, you&#039;re going to need the regular supplies (pencils, paper, rulers, notebooks, etc.), but if you take certain math classes, you might need T-I83 or T-I84 calculators. You might also need protractors and compasses.

  8. My High School doesn&#039;t give lists either. But I have an idea of what you might need:

    Pens and pencils

    College ruled papers and notebooks

    Folders with 3 prongs

    Binders, depending on your classes

    A scientific calculator

    Your teacher should tell you on the first day anything else that you might need.

  9. Notebook, pencils, pens, erasers, backpack, stapler, calculator

  10. A binder... lead pencils... a BIG eraser :) ... lots and lots of binder paper... blue and black pens... highlighters... notebooks maybe... colored pencils

    Good Luck in high school!

  11. well you&#039;ll usually get a list on the first day of school from all of your different teachers. but basically:

    -binders, notebooks, and a folder for every class.

    -a graphing calculator (Ti-84 would work)

    -pens and pencils

    -loose leaf paper

    -erasers, extra lead

    -a sturdy backpack

    -a planner (for homework)

    -colored pencils or crayons

    -post its

    -note cards

    and you&#039;ll need poster board, but you can get that on a needed basis, like for certain projects.

  12. Usually the first day you just take notebook paper, pens, and or pencils. The teachers in each class then tells you what they want you to get for their classes.

  13. You&#039;ll need your usual stuff like notebooks and pens and pencils...

    But, since most HS kids take different courses your teacher will tell you during your first class what you will need for your class this semester / year.

    You should still show up the first day with your usual stuff

  14. Well first of all, you need plenty of pens and pencils. Not just for yourself, but for your friends if they forget them.

    Notebooks. Probably every class, save P.E, will need at least a one-subject notebook. For subjects like Science and Social Studies, you might want to consider three subject notebooks. Also, I&#039;d recommend spiral because the pages stay put more and if you want to rip a page out it does so very well.

    Folders. For homework, announcements, and everything. Color-code them or label them for each of your subjects. Get a 5 subject folder if you want, I had one, and it saved my life.

    Loose-leaf paper. Sometimes your notebook paper won&#039;t cooperate with you or you just need something quick.

    Highlighters. For highlighting important notes, so you know what to pay more attention to. Plus, highlighting is fun. Get fun and bright colors to keep you awake during class.

    Paperclips are cheap, and trust me, you&#039;ll need them.

    A good attitude. That is the most important. Teachers notice a positive attitude, someone who raises their hand in class and helps others if they need it. It will raise your grade, if only by a few points.

  15. what i did, was i took my school schedule and wrote down all my classes, then i went and thought about the kind of class it is and what my older siblings used in the class. and things that have worked well for me in the past with classes such as math, i always have a larger notebook for math classes. here is a basic rundown of my schedule and what i wrote for supplies, your schedule and your needs will vary but this is how i came up with my supplies list





      -valve oil








      -colored pencils








      -3 subject notebook



    and then your basic pencils, pens, and other stuff like block erasers and stuff like that.

    again basic rundown of my classes, and then i talked to older friends and family members, and thought about stuff i wished i would have had in the past and wrote that down.

  16. my school i need 1 inch  binders for each subject pencils pens highlighters calculator..

    tahts about it maybe a pocket folder

    no markers or crayons

    P.S- Dont wear a backpack to skool u WILL Get made fun of....

    get a cute purse or sumpthin

  17. Book Bag

    Ink Pen

    Note book

    that will be all you need the 1st day, then the teachers will tell you. xox

  18. pens



    -Will probably work for the first day then you can buy the other stuff you need

  19. a 1.5 inch binder for each class



    flash drive


    colored pencils

    ...those are the basics...

  20. notebooks


    book covers (book sox)

    pencils for scantron tests



    scientific calculator, or graphing calc. if you are in a high math class

    i used to use a back pack but now i throw my books into a canvas bag from american eagle

    um, i don&#039;t know where you&#039;re from but in my school they make us bring a t-shirt and shorts to wear in gym

    combination locker (for gym locker, or your own... again i don&#039;t know)

    lip balm


    hair elastics

    planner (sparknotes planner is great!)

    cell phone (hide it hahahha)

  21. ask your school for opinions

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