
School worry!...plz help!?

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well u see today is the 22 of july and in September is a new school year...i moved from my old school gonna be on a bus full of people on my first day...well not dads gonna drive me ...i think anyway do u have any tips and wardrobe ideas??

plz rite back!




  1. yea i love skinny jeans graphic tees and vans my normal emo style. and a necklace maybe. but you can wear reg. jeans and shorts. or layer which i hate but its ur wardrobe. and dont TRY to be popular or fit in chances are youll make a frend on the first day the bus on the first day of 6th grade is wear i met my best freind

    good luck xoxo


  2. if you want to be noticed then look your best if not then just dress casual

  3. don't overdress or use too much accsories!

  4. samantha want to be friends email me

  5. Just dress normal. You don't want to stick out any more than you already could, for being new.

  6. hey!

    well first of all you dont want to look like you have no i dea what style is (but im sure u do) meaning u dont want to overdress. since it is the fall, i would suggest a jean skirt with a light colored tee, some cute flats, and some bangles and earrings, that way it is casual, with a twist of glam!

    hope this helped!

    goodluck, i know first days can be scary!

    ~kelsey xoxo

  7. just be yourself. you don't want people to think your a fake or anything! and im sure there will be loads of people at school who will like you for who you are

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