
Schooling online!?

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I read in a magazine that in England and Wales, theres this thing called InterHigh and it's basically a high school, but online, where you do something like 2 lessons a day, for 2-3 hours. My friends little sister isnt too happy at her high school, she's never liked school and she's always complaining that she'd love to be home schooled, but can't because both her parents work. She's not bullied or has learning difficulties or anything, she just dosent like high school so much. Theres supposed to be something like a 62% GCSE exam pass grade *A-C rate.

I told my friend & her parents about the Interhigh idea, but they're not too sure about it being a healthy environment for her.

Is it a good idea?




  1. It is a good idea to homeschool.

    It gives more free time and they can really focus more without other kids talking. And they have however long they need to do it. (Or you can set a time limit if you want) Everyone says that there is no socialization with homeschooling but there can be. Just search for a homeschooling group within your area. Homeschooling groups consist of other homeschoolers that get together usually atleast 2-3 times a month if not more and do events such as go to a park, if its valentines day have a valentines party, have a book club, picnics, & a lot of other things where the kids can play with each other while the adults can talk and do things as well.

    Here is a good online homeschooling curriculum -

    If you dont like then you can check that website out.

    You can usually go onto Yahoo!Groups and search for homeschooling groups.  -hope this helped.

  2. she has GOTTA have self discipline and motivation

    other than that i say go for it

    i do my school online and I LOVE IT

  3. If you want to do homeschooling, check out Penn Fostor!!! They are the best! That's what i'm doing now, and it works great!!!!

  4. Some kids don't like the pressure and head games that often go along with upper forms (high school).  If your friend enjoys schoolwork, and is looking toward college, this may be a way for her to work at her own pace, graduate early and get a head start on university.

  5. It has its pros and cons. You get awesome benefits such as sleeping in, eating what you want when you want, breaks whenever you want, lack of disruptive students, etc. However, if she doesn't have the motivation to get the work done, then she'll probably fail miserably. At a regular school you have teachers to help you and keep you on track, but at home it's really up to the student to get it done. There are lots of distractions and 'better things to do' at home as well so she needs to be able to focus.

    The other main con with online schooling is the lack of socialization. Obviously you interact with people all day at a regular school but you don't get that if you're at home all day by yourself. If she's a little shy then chances are she'll become extremely introverted. If she's a social butterfly getting together with friends outside of school often and stuff then it's less of a concern, though she might get bored during the day. Either way, they should do lots of extracurricular activites that involve other people.

    I did online schooling for four years (grade 6, 7, 8, and 9) and seeing as I was already slightly shy to begin with, it got much worse during those years, and it was difficult to go back to regular school in grade 10, especially considering it was high school. I sort of bypassed all the social stuff you learn in junior high.

    But another perk is that you learn so many skills that help you once you get to university, cause a lot of university work is done on your computer at home. It really prepares you for that, if you've managed to learn to focus well an manage your time. You kind of have a head start of other students around you in the independence department because while you were doing it on your own they had teachers for help.

    So it really depends on the student and how motivated she can be, and if she'd rather have to put up with highschool or lose social interaction.

    Hope this was helpful. ^^
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