
Science Homework Help!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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1. How does the Pacific plate affect thte size of the Juan de Fuca plate?

2. Suppose scientists suggested still another plate existed....what type of evidence would lead to such a conclusion?

3. One hundred million years would boundaries of surrounding plates change if Pacific plate now moves to southeast instead of northwest?

PLEASE, all this science is making my brain hurt. Anything will help.




  1. i'm assuming this is Earth science. i did thi slast year, but don't remember much.. i'll try

    1- you would have to use the reference tables. look at the two plates. maybe one of them is on top of the other

    2- umm if new breaks in like the oceans or continents are seen...?

    3- all of the other plates be moved as well and new boundaries would be formed..

    sorry if it wasn't much help..

  2. Sorry, but I'm not simply going to do your homework for you.  Where are you having trouble?  If you don't get any of this, you'll have to go back to your book.  What does that tell you already about the various plates?  What's happening at the boundary of the Pacific and JdF plates?  Is one grinding or pressing down on the other?  Adding to it?  Planting oyster beds in neat little rows?

    What are the properties of tectonic plates?  Which of these would lead to evidence of a new one existing?

    And, finally, what happens if the Pacific plate gets thrown into reverse?  Does the interaction with the JdF plate change?  Is it all fixed, then?  Or is it rubbing things off, but in the opposite direction?

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